Posts Tagged
New York Times
Bret Stephens: The Israeli Ministry of Truth’s Chief Fifth-Columnist
Israel is Bad for America
A New York Times Columnist explains why by Philip Giraldi AMERICAN JOURNALISM has become in its mainstream exponents a compendium of half-truths and out-and-out lies. The public, though poorly informed on most issues as a result, has generally figured out that it is being…
A New York Times Columnist explains why by Philip Giraldi AMERICAN JOURNALISM has become in its mainstream exponents a compendium of half-truths and out-and-out lies. The public, though poorly informed on most issues as a result, has generally figured out that it is being…
Jew Scientist on ‘Race’: The goyim know — Oy vey! We must revise the Narrative!
by Dissident Millennial
IN A VERY TELLING piece for the New York Times, Jewish scientist David Reich makes some remarkable concessions about the biology of race due to his concern that lib-tard orthodoxy has gone so overboard in its genetics-of-race denialism that it will lose all credibility in…
Profile of a Jew Piece-of-Filth: On the New York Times’ “Conservative” David Brooks
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys,…
Fake News: New York Times Claims Self-Driving Truck Kills 9 in Berlin
Despite active terrorist investigation, NYT avoids possibility Berlin attack linked to terror
THE NEW YORK TIMES posted a headline entitled “9 Dead in Berlin After Truck Drives Into Christmas Market,” which suggests a truck became self-aware and decided to kill.
The headline certainly avoids the…
Profile of a “Cosmo-Conservative”: On the New York Times’ David Brooks
by Dissident Millennial
IN A PREVIOUS column I declared that no one embodies the vile nature of today’s “conservative” establishment better than National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson, and though I still stand by this sentiment, a new contender has now emerged for the prize of America’s most brain-dead…
White Faces of Power? – An Open Letter to the New York Times
by Giuseppe Furioso
TO THE Editor: In today’s Times (Feb. 28, 2016) we are shown the faces of some 503 individuals, who according to reporters Haeyoun Park, Josh Keller, and Josh Williams are, “the most powerful people in American culture, government, education, and business.”…
Everything Good Was Invented by Jews
IN 1976, Penthouse magazine, an international pornographic monthly, edited by an Italian and published in London and New York, ran two interesting articles by a Manchester Guardian correspondent, stating that the 1967 Arab-Israeli war was a joint Israeli-CIA operation and that the U.S.S. Liberty…