Posts Tagged
new world order
Destroying Order
by Dr. William L. Pierce GEORGE BUSH had his wife on television last Saturday drumming up public support for his war. The basic theme of her message was that the Taliban — and fundamentalist Muslims generally — don’t treat their women the way Politically Correct Americans believe…
Hands Off Yugoslavia!
by Dr. William L. Pierce I SUPPOSE I HAVE a weird sense of humor, but I often laugh at things which really are more grotesque than funny. That certainly is the case when Mr. Clinton holds a press conference, puts on a stern face, and begins wagging his finger and talking about morality. For the past couple…
What Makes Madeleine Run
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOMETIMES I FEEL at a loss for words: for example, when I see something which is manifestly very evil or very dangerous or very foolish being done by the American government — something which is done in plain sight where everyone else can see it just as well as I can —…
“Hate Crimes” and the New World Order
by Dr. William L. Pierce THERE HAVE BEEN a few items in the news during the past few days which have caught my attention, and I want to share my thoughts on these things with you. One of these items was the reaction to the robbing and killing of a homosexual man in Laramie, Wyoming, earlier this month. I’m…
Diversity is THEIR Strength: The Elites’ War on Humanity
by Dr. William L. Pierce THREE OR FOUR years ago the slogan most diligently promoted by the controlled mass media was “diversity is our strength.” Posters with this slogan and a broad, multi-hued band of stripes representing skin colors of various races were displayed in classrooms and…
State-Sponsored Terrorism
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE PEOPLE who are trying so desperately to destroy Serbia now are a pretty weird bunch. The latest tactic they’ve come up with is to have computer hackers and cryptography experts in the “dirty tricks” division of our Central Intelligence Agency break into…
Historian Arnold Toynbee Openly Admits Globalist Conspiracy
by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE RECEIVED from an American Classical scholar a letter in the course of which he says: “At first it seemed incredible to me that the quotation from Toynbee that you adduced in a recent article [Liberty Bell magazine, July 1987, p. 8; the quotation may also be found at the head…
The End of Patriotism
by Dr. William L. Pierce YOU KNOW, what Madeleine Albright and the rest of the Clinton gang are doing in Yugoslavia is really something new, and it’s taking me a while to become accustomed to it. This is the first time I’ve ever hoped that American bombers would be shot down or American ships…
Nationalism vs. the New World Order
by Dr. William L. Pierce AN INTERESTING thing happened a few days ago: the government of India detonated five nuclear warheads in underground tests, and the establishment in the United States reacted with shock and dismay. This is good news for at least six reasons. I’ll tell you why, one…
What Makes Madeleine Run
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOMETIMES I feel at a loss for words. For example, when I see something which is manifestly very evil or very dangerous or very foolish being done by the American government — something which is done in plain sight where everyone else can see it just as well as I can —…