Posts Tagged

New England

CommentaryExtractsGuest opinion

by John I. Johnson I DO NOT ENDORSE the historical characterization of Whites as atomized individualists. It doesn’t fit the historical record. Whites are extremely isolated and alienated today. The nuclear family, never mind the extended family, is for all intents and purposes dead. But…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Thoreau by Douglas Mercer IT’S SAFE TO SAY that Henry David Thoreau was among the worst of our kind, the lowest that the White race has on offer. He was a Negro-worshipper and a hyper-individualist. What could go wrong? The cantankerous fool is best known for his theory of “civil disobedience”…
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by Robert Stuart IN HIS most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition (2019), Kevin MacDonald writes that, alone among the races, Whites are prone to forming what he calls “moral communities” which take the place of kinship communities. We see this in the anti-White…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

Gloucester Fisherman’s Memorial overlooking Gloucester Harbor, Gloucester, Massachusetts (Bronze, 1925) by Andrew Hamilton The defining characteristic of WASPs is that they are much less ethnocentric than other peoples; indeed for all practical purposes Anglo-Saxon Protestants appear to…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver IT IS A truism that we are mortal and that the ineluctable necessity of death is inherent in the biotic structure of our being: nascentes morimur. But oddly, perhaps, we Aryans also have an instinctive longing for a changeless eternity: Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit. And since reason…
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THE FIRST AND most important environmental fact about New England is that it was cold — much colder in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries than today. . . a period in the Earth’s history which climatologists call the “little ice age.” Ocean temperature off the coast of New England were three degrees…
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