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More Jewish Crypsis: “National Conservatism” and the Edmund Burke Foundation
A NEW pro-Israel group that is pretending to be a standard bearer for conservative opinion in the United States was founded in January, a fortuitous bit of timing as it will not have to reveal its sources of income until next year. The Edmund Burke Foundation describes itself as “a new public affairs institute”…

Bret Stephens: The Israeli Ministry of Truth’s Chief Fifth-Columnist
Israel is Bad for America A New York Times Columnist explains why by Philip Giraldi AMERICAN JOURNALISM has become in its mainstream exponents a compendium of half-truths and out-and-out lies. The public, though poorly informed on most issues as a result, has generally figured out that it is being…

Jewish Manipulation at the Beginning of the “War on Terror”
The 2001 “Open Letter to the President” from US Jews to US President Bush followed decades of lies regarding Saddam’s regime. This letter was signed by leading neoconservatives and Jews in an effort to push the President’s foreign policy in their direction. by Organon tou…

The Jews Who Run the (Supposedly) Alternative Media
Herding conservatives so they will serve the Jewish agenda THROUGH MY YEARS of experience with the alternative media I believe I have become pretty good at detecting disinformation. During the Trump campaign I found myself at my wits end seeing and listening to endless drivel about how Donald Trump…

Is Insane Neocon Warmonger John Bolton Fit for State Department Post?
Libertarian Rand Paul says “no.” THE CHYRON on ABC’s This Week Sunday asked, “Will Rand Paul Take On Trump Admin?” When it comes to John Bolton, yes, he will. “I think John Bolton is so far out of it, and has such a naïve understanding of the world, if he were to be the assistant or the undersecretary…

Profile of a “Cosmo-Conservative”: On the New York Times’ David Brooks
by Dissident Millennial IN A PREVIOUS column I declared that no one embodies the vile nature of today’s “conservative” establishment better than National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson, and though I still stand by this sentiment, a new contender has now emerged for the prize of America’s most brain-dead…

How to Start a War With the Russians
In one of the most dumbfounding displays of militaristic insanity and sophistic stupidity we have ever read, a former NATO general and a Polish arms consultant have co-authored a foreign policy “analysis,” which, if it is implemented, will make a world war with Russia a near certainty. by Ronald L.…

Unjustified Claims Regarding “Islamism” and “Fascism”
Equivocation on ‘fascism’ has been exploited by both “left” and “right”: On the left, what is called “corporate fascism” is taken to represent fascism in general, and on the right, every stripe of undesirables is fused with fascism: “feminazis,” “ecofascists,” and “Islamofascists,” to name a few.…

How The Jewish Neocons Brought Death and War to the World
by Paul Craig Roberts “If Killary Clinton makes it to the White House, we could get the neocon’s war. The neocons have flocked to the support of Killary. She is their person. Watch the feminized women of America put Killary in office.” WHEN Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired…

IN THIS NEXT installment of my Culture of Critique series, we will be examining the intellectual and political movement of neoconservatism.
“I’m responding to an obsession — a more or less official national obsession with a tiny, faraway socialist ethnocracy, which, I agree, ought to be a very minor…