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IN JUNE 2021 a neocon propaganda outfit (based in London but named after a notoriously pro-Zionist US Senator) published an alarmist “analysis” of “Iranian Influence Networks in the United Kingdom”. The report was issued by the Henry Jackson Society, named after Sen. Henry Jackson (1912-1983)…
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The neocons, are, of course almost 100 per cent. Jewish — the key factor in understanding why they (and their neoliberal “opponents”) have so much blood on their hands. — Ed. by Ron Paul PRESIDENT TRUMP and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate…
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William Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce AS I NOTED in my broadcast of September 15, and as various politicians also have noted in a somewhat different sense, on September 11, 2001 America entered a new era. For the first time in a long time American civilians have had to pay a price in blood for abdicating their responsibility…
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Showdown! US military “Aid” on one side, Venezuela on the other WHEN THE NEOCONS wanted to invade Iraq and overthrow its government they spent a good deal of time trying to convince us that they didn’t just want to invade Iraq and overthrow its government. No, it was all about 9/11…
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How the Washington regime, Jewish manipulators, ambitious psychopaths, and others have lied to enable their murders of uncounted millions. Introduction by David Sims YOU SHOULD always be skeptical when your government calls for war. Its reasons are very likely to be lies. Governments are habitual…
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“NewsGuard” technology now added to Microsoft Edge browser; company is owned by two media Jews, Gordon Crovitz and Steven Brill. A genocidal neo-Bolshevik tyranny is being implemented before our eyes as most deracinated and befuddled Americans stare dumbly, smartphones and football-themed
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by Karl Radl WHEN THE NEWS that US President Donald Trump was pulling out US military forces from the Syrian civil war — which is now all but decided with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad the last man standing despite the many and varied efforts of his Islamist and Israeli enemies — (1) I knew…
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THIS OCTOBER, Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of hundreds of users, including many alternative media outlets maintained by American users. Among those wiped out in the coordinated purge (along with innumerable pro-White and Jew-critical accounts, of course) were popular sites that…
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by Hadding Scott JON LERNER is described as a “rabidly neoconservative #NeverTrumper” (FITS News, 6 September 2018), which places him entirely in opposition to the change of policy advocated by Candidate Trump in 2016. Lerner was with the Jewish cabal that promoted Marco Rubio as…
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Classic EssaysH. Millard

There’s a significant genetic difference between Iraqis and Iranians, which may have a huge impact if we go to war with Iran — some of the Iranians are White, and even those who are mixed by our standards possess a substantial European genetic component. by H. Millard I FIGURE that there’s…
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