Posts Tagged

Nelson Mandela


WE WILL BEGIN with two facts. First, the average IQ of African-Americans is 85, and secondly, the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is 70. If we take the average ‘White’ IQ to be 100, then Whites are vastly more intelligent than Africans. So, how did Blacks overthrow the racial dominance…
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by Kerry Bolton DURING THE 1980s, when the offensive against South Africa (SA) was at its height, the Right was focused on the prospect of the Soviet Union taking over the mineral wealth and strategic position of SA. I recall this because I was among those in New Zealand speaking in favor of SA, and using…
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Classic Essays

by Michael Walsh ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1977, a Black South African lost his life. Stephen Bantu Biko was notorious for his radical rhetoric in favour of Black revolutionary terrorism. However, such terrorism invariably led to the terrorisation and deaths — not of ethnic Europeans — but of…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce ANOTHER White farmer in South Africa was murdered a few days ago. He was 65-year-old Daniel Marais. His wife Maria managed to escape from their farm near Bloemfontein and run three miles with their grandchild to a neighboring farm, after she had been assaulted by a Black.…
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American Dissident VoicesKevin Alfred Strom

An interview with Deirdre Fields, part 1 by Kevin Alfred Strom AS WE’VE DISCUSSED on this program several times before, there is an almost unknown genocide of White people happening right now in South Africa — a country which once was a technologically advanced First World nation under…
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