Posts Tagged

Nature’s Laws

Classic Essays

FIRST STRUGGLE and then we shall see what can be done. Otherwise mankind has passed the high point of its development and the end is not the domination of any ethical idea but barbarism and consequently chaos. At this point someone or other may laugh, but this planet once moved through the ether for millions…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims WHY IS IT THAT nearly every question of this kind — i.e., on the nature of morality — quickly accrues more than 100 answers on online forums? Are these questions so easy that anyone at all can answer them? But, okay, I’ll give it a try too. I think that philosophers know as little about ethics,…
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THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF National Socialism, the philosophy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, is to bring human society back into alignment with Nature, with the natural order of all life on Earth. When one lives in accordance with the natural order one lives in reality — rather than the artificial…
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EVERY CREATURE has its own language to enter into heaven. See the flowers, they pray with colors — and so praise the May sky with delicate scents. And hear the birds and the bees, and see the shimmering lizard, and how the mosquitoes dance around the evening rays. All of this is beautiful, and what…
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These quotations are from Hitler’s Table Talk, which is a series of informal, private conversations among Hitler and his closest associates, as recorded by Martin Bormann. THE CONVERSATIONS from which these excerpts are taken occurred from July 1941 to June 1942, mostly late at night or in early morning.…
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by Kurt Eggers
translated by the Wewelsburg Archives Translator’s Note: The terms ‘law’ (Gesetz) and ‘order’ (Ordnung) lose a lot in translation. ‘Law’ here does not mean the formal law found in the books in a lawyer’s office, rather something akin to the ‘laws of Nature’, or more accurately,…
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Transcript of a radio broadcast by Matt Koehl on April 16, 1972 EIGHTY-THREE years ago this month, a child was born in the small Austrian town of Braunau on the River Inn. With His arrival on this Earth, there began a new era in human history. For He was more than just another man. Into a world which had lost…
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by Colin Jordan WITH THE gigantic catastrophe of 1945, the greatest setback to human evolution in recorded history, still close behind us, its chilling and choking memory still omnipresent, and before us difficulties and disadvantages so gigantic as to deny us any immediate or early prospect of gaining…
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“Although I am unborn, everlasting, and I am Lord of all, I come to my realm of Nature and through my wondrous power I am born. When righteousness is weak and faints, and unrighteousness exults in pride, then my Spirit arises on Earth. For the salvation of those who are good, for the destruction of…
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by Jost Folk The Only Doctrine of National Socialism For me and all true National Socialists there is but one doctrine: Folk and Fatherland.What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and Folk, the sustenance of our children, and the purity of our blood, the freedom…
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