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Knut Hamsun and the Cause of Europe
by Mark Deavin
AFTER FIFTY years of being confined to the Orwellian memory hole created by the Jews as part of their European “denazification” process, the work of the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun (pictured) — who died in 1952 — is reemerging to take its place among the greatest…

Marx, Darwin and the Scientific Ideology
Scientific investigation of the nature of life supports racialism, demolishes Marxism and equalitarianism
by John Thornton Bannerman
WHEN IN 1867 Karl Marx had completed the first volume of his major work, Das Kapital, he offered to dedicate it to the great biologist Charles Darwin. Darwin cautiously…

Nationalism and the Environment
The best among us instinctively love — and want to protect — the beauty and health of our natural environment.
by Francis Playfair
FOR FAR TOO LONG now the ‘green issue’ has been hijacked and controlled by the left wing of the establishment. It hasn’t always been that way. For many…

Proper Morality
by David Sims
ALL MORAL codes comprise a hierarchy of values. Not only do they define good and evil, but they also specify that some goods are higher than others. By doing this, however, they necessarily engage with nature’s own test of goodness, which is simply whether or not people, by the practice…

Muscle and Morality
by David Sims
GOD IS not an exception to the principle of power being requisite for making changes or enforcing rules. Where would God be, if He didn’t have the lightning and the tornado at his fingertips or if He could not toss the sinners into Hell? He’d be a puny dispenser of moral advice,…

What Are They Doing to Our World?
Environmental quality, resources threatened by failing economy
by Dr. William L. Pierce
DURING 1981 the real spendable earnings of the average American wage earner fell another 3.3 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington announced on January 22. Of all the economic statistics monitored…

The Inquiring Mind of Aldous Huxley
The Human Situation: Lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959, by Aldous Huxley, edited by Piero Ferrucci (Flamingo, paperback).
reviewed by Nick Camerota
BLOOD WILL TELL, says the old folk wisdom. Back in 1902, even the socialist H.G. Wells believed it. (In Anticipations, he held that the less advanced races,…

Man and Technology
by Dr. William L. Pierce
TECHNOLOGY has come somewhat into bad odor among many of today’s young people. Sensitive souls who find themselves out of tune with the gaudy, gimmicky, and artificial world of 20th-century America often place the blame for this dissonance on the technology which has made all…

A Lesson from Nature
The threats to American songbirds dramatically illustrate the dire plight of European-Americans.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ONE OF MY small pleasures in life is bird watching, which gives me some peace in this world of constant conflict.
Over the years, I have discovered that there is a great deal to be learned…