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The Anthropocene Epoch: Scientists Declare Dawn of Human-Influenced Age
Experts say human impact on Earth so profound that Holocene must give way to epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken
HUMANITY’S IMPACT on the Earth is now so profound that a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene — needs to be declared, according…

Britain: Legion Summer Camp a Great Success
by Max Musson
LAST WEEKEND nationalists from a great many locations met for a most enjoyable weekend of camping, hiking, archery, field craft and martial arts training at a location in Yorkshire of outstanding natural beauty.
We assembled at the campsite on the Friday evening and after pitching our…

Killing People, Growing Trees, and the Jews
by David Sims
THE PART of the Jewish race that interfaces with us is very clever, having an average intelligence that surpasses our own. But it’s a cleverness that frequently presumes too far, and the quality of the Jewish race that most characterizes them is their presumptuousness. It shows…

In Less Than 8 Months, Humanity Exhausts Earth’s Budget for the Year
The greatest threat to the Earth is the “liberal” capitalist order which subsidizes, industrializes, and consumerizes the vast, high-birthrate masses of the Third World.
EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY 2016 landed on August 8, marking the date when humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for…

The Forest and the ‘Faustian’ Soul
Deep roots are untouched by frost. — J.R.R. Tolkien
IT HAS BEEN said that the Germanic soul and the forest are one and the same thing: the mythological Forest that contrasts the splendid isolation of man in his solitude against the infinity of nature. Only this kind of soul could have such a word in its…

Meet Luca, the Ancestor of All Living Things
An understanding of our race’s plight and position in the universe is not possible without at least a basic understanding of biological evolution.
A SURPRISINGLY specific genetic portrait of the ancestor of all living things has been generated by scientists who say that the likeness sheds…

Beetle Infiltrates Ant Colonies, Pretends to Be Queen
Behavior of parasitic beetle similar to Jewish intruders in Gentile societies; pest exploits and feeds on hosts, mimics ruling caste
UNIVERSITY ROMA TRE’S Professor Andrea Di Giulio and his team of co-authors set the scene remarkably well in their paper recently published to PLoS ONE. The…

National Socialism and Animal Rights
by Klaus Kund
ONE CAN quite confidently say that National Socialist Germany was the first country where animal rights and environmental issues made a real impact on policy and legislation.
In comparison, many nations in the world today, almost 80 years later, still have no legislation that protects…

Ben Klassen on Marriage
Populate the world
by Ben Klassen
NATURE’S PATTERN for most living things can be briefly summarized as follows: birth, growth, reproduction and death. This is the pattern Nature has ordained for all its living creatures, whether it be the lowliest insect that lives but a day, or the highest…

There’s No Place to Escape Them Now
The regime in Washington is now spending millions to bring “racial diversity” even to the wilderness.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The left-leaning article excerpted below is right about one thing: Parks and natural areas are frequented almost entirely by White people in this country. But…