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Conservationists Successfully Clone Five Massive Redwood Trees — 75 Times
The trees cloned are stumps of giants logged in the 19th century.
WHEN DAVID MILARCH first learned about ancient coast redwood stumps hidden in California, he says he was “the most thunderstruck” he’d ever been.
At about 10 metres in diameter, he’d never heard of any tree…

Adolf Hitler on the Importance of Racial Preservation
by Adolf Hitler
THERE ARE CERTAIN TRUTHS which stand out so openly on the roadsides of life that every passerby may see them.
Yet, because of their very obviousness, the general run of people disregard such truths or at least they do not make them the object of any conscious knowledge. People are so blind…

My Friend, The Waffen SS Soldier, part 1
by Racial Consciousness
Part One: A Brief Introduction
I WAS FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have had a dear friend for some five years who was a retired veteran of the Waffen SS Wiking division: His name was Theodor Junker. He was born in a German village in Romania, and he retired on a small farm in southern Wisconsin.…

The Greatest Quotes of David Sims
by David Sims
Introductory Note: Here we present some of the most quotable quips and statements and wit from the redoubtable David Sims. Enjoy!
“A race that can cross oceans, crosses oceans. A race that can’t cross oceans argues that there is no reason to cross an ocean.” (David Sims)…

Competition Between Groups and Moral Systems
by David Sims
IT WOULD BE wonderful, of course, if humans could stop working against each other and bring their resources to bear cooperatively on worthy tasks. The problem with that is that each subset of humanity seems to have its own value priorities. Most of those priorities are at variance with the…

Why Did Ancient Whites Worship Trees?
by Survive the Jive
THE YEW TREE is often found in churchyards and graveyards in England because pagan religious sites were chosen as ideal locations for churches at the time of conversion. Yews were probably sacred to both the Celts and Anglo-Saxons but in Germanic paganism the Ash and the Oak were more…

Everything Depends on Us
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 24, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
JUST YESTERDAY, as I write this, my fiancée and I celebrated the Solstice and the Yule season in a wood not far from our home in the Pennsylvania mountains.…

Our Struggle
by Max Musson
MANY PEOPLE dream of a life of tranquillity and plenty. For them nothing could be better than to be a ‘lotus eater’ in some idyllic Shangri-la, where life is free from stress, or worry, or conflict.
I often tell people about my encounters with religious zealots who have knocked at my door…

National Socialism — A Left-Wing Movement
This article, originally intended for publication in 1983, has been written mainly for those who are already National Socialists — or who at least think they are.
FOR FAR TOO many years it has been widely accepted that National Socialists are extreme right- wingers, and only rarely have they…

Adaptive Differences and Abnormalities
by David Sims
DO I HAVE a “closed mind”? No, what I’m doing is defending a truth from people who would assail it with lies.
Yes, I’m a racist. But I’m also right. The word “racist” does not mean the same thing that the word “false” means. True…