Posts Tagged

National Socialism

EssaysGuest opinion

The occupation regime honored Jünger with a postage stamp in 1998. by Angelicus IN CERTAIN circles that can be described as either traditionalist or conservative, the name of Ernst Jünger is mentioned with respect and admiration. This should not surprise us. A few days ago I came across an article about…
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by Matt Koehl Foreword: This treatise by New Order Commander Matt Koehl first appeared in the Summer 1980 issue of The National Socialist, an earlier journal of the World Union of National Socialists. Written before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was reprinted in March 1981 in booklet form. A…
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by Dr. E.R. Cawthron Bolshevism and Civilization THE WORD “BOLSHEVIK” can be used to describe any person seeking the destruction of civilized society and particularly its culture-creative segment, by violence if possible, but by other more devious means if necessary. The typical Bolshevik is obsessed…
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by Mjollnir TO UNDERSTAND the dichotomy between National Socialism and Democracy, it is necessary that we define the parameters of each one. National Socialism today is most definitely not popular, because of many misconceptions and its connection in the public mind to the so-called “Holocaust”…
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Our audience Back in 2012 – before Dylann Roof’s attack; before the attack in New Zealand by Brenton Tarrant; before the attack in Pittsburgh by Robert Bowers; and before other similar incidents — New Order supporter James Harting published the following essay on his blog on Stormfront.
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William Joyce after his capture by British soldiers in the aftermath of World War 2. This American-born racial loyalist would be executed for “treason” against Britain, though never a British citizen. This is the author’s preface to William Brooke Joyce’s earthshaking
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by Colin Jordan WITH THE gigantic catastrophe of 1945, the greatest setback to human evolution in recorded history, still close behind us, its chilling and choking memory still omnipresent, and before us difficulties and disadvantages so gigantic as to deny us any immediate or early prospect of gaining…
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by Colin Jordan SEVERAL DECADES after the physical defeat of National Socialist Germany in the outcome of her heroic struggle against the overwhelming array of men and materials marshalled against her by the Bolshevist-democratic alliance, the appearance of this reappraisal reflects the revival…
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Under the new law, public display of National Socialist (NS) symbols in works of science, literature and art will not be considered as extremism when it is done “to form negative attitudes” to the ideology of National Socialism. RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin has signed a law allowing…
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Sebastian Elofsson explains how the National Socialist cause is a struggle for higher values. by Sebastian Elofsson DEEP INSIDE, every one of us knows that something is not right in society and that there is something missing. Some perceive it as a strange feeling of emptiness and coldness. This sensation…
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