Posts Tagged

National Socialism


Klas Lund writes about the relationship between reactionary nationalists and National Socialists and why National Socialism is the only way forward. This article was originally published in Attack! No. 8, 2010. Attack! (not to be confused with the predecessor to National Vanguard of the same name,
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Classic Essays

Nationalism is for the nation; socialism is for the people. Be a National Socialist. by William Joyce THE MYSTERY is that Nationalism and Socialism should have remained separate for so long. That mystery is solved only when we realize that our ”other values less glorious” have embraced useless butchery,…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer IN 1907 Indiana passed the first sterilization law in the world, aimed at culling the unfit from the gene pool; within two decades a total of 33 states had followed suit. Unlikely allies Margaret Sanger and Madison Grant worked together to lower the birth rate of non-Whites. Woodrow…
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Heidegger by Karl Radl READING THE universally acclaimed German philosopher Martin Heidegger is a pleasure that cannot and should not be underestimated. He was an innovative thinker of the first order and is part of what American ‘conservative’ philosopher James Burnham called the ‘dark’ or ‘irrational’…
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by Arman
as told to H. Millard WHAT WAS really at the core of Hitler’s being? It was to do God’s work to help Whites evolve as part of God’s Plan. If you think of Hitler and the German National Socialists only in terms of politics or the war, then you are making a big mistake. And the enemies…
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Simon Lindberg explains National Socialism’s relationship to race and nationality, an important distinction that is often misunderstood. by Simon Lindberg THE MAIN thing we National Socialists fight for is the survival of our people — we fight so that Aryans will continue to walk the face of the Earth.…
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Classic Essays

British National Socialist leader Colin Jordan delivering this speech in Trafalgar Square, 1962. PRESENTED HERE is the greater part of Colin Jordan’s speech to the huge National Socialist Movement (NSM; no connection to the later American group using the same name) meeting of 5,000 people in Trafalgar…
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Gustav Schwarzenegger and his wife by James Harting GUSTAV SCHWARZENEGGER was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on August 17, 1907. He was the son of Cecelia (née Hinterleitner, 1878–1968) and Karl Schwarzenegger (1872–1927). Gustav had an uneventful middle-class upbringing. He joined…
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Call to ActionCommentaryThomas Dalton

by Thomas Dalton, PhD Background THE MORAL, social, and philosophical bankruptcy of our modern political/economic ideologies is becoming more apparent by the day. Free-market capitalism, conventional socialism, democracy, and communism are all demonstrable failures. All fail to sustain and…
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by Karl Radl WITH THE final destruction of the farce of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), at the hands of a small force comprised of armed US policemen, that was more a squatter eviction than a battle; we are forced to wonder about the future of such attempts to create autonomous zones within existing…
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