Posts Tagged
National Socialism

The Big Lie About the Berlin Olympics
by Dr. William L. Pierce
IN ITS broadest scope, the Holocaust myth involves much more than the supposed gassing of the famous “six million.” It includes every related lie which the Jewish propagandists have invented about Germany and the Germans in the period 1933-1945. One of the most…

Youth Symphony Cancels Performance That Quotes Horst Wessel Song
THE New York Times reports that the Carnegie Hall performance of a young Estonian-born composer’s piece, “March to Oblivion” (“Marsh u Nebuttya”), has been canceled by the New York Youth Symphony (NYYS) because one section of the score contains the melody from the Horst Wessel…

The Absurdity of Hitler-Bashing
How much longer can the cartoonish Hitler-bashing in the media continue to be taken seriously? How ridiculous does it have to get before the spell wears off, and the people realize that it is the media itself, and the Jews that run it, that are our real enemies, rather than the historical “Nazis” that they…

Hitler, Christianity, and the Third Reich
by Kerry Bolton
THE PLACE OF CHRISTIANITY under National Socialism has been a matter of contention, as with all else connected with that philosophy. Hitler has been damned as the devil incarnate by his Christian opponents, and heralded as a Jesus-like messiah by his Christian proponents. The 24th…

Is Gun Control a “Nazi” Scheme?
This article was originally published in National Vanguard Magazine.
by Dr. William Pierce
WITH GUN OWNERS increasingly aware of the Jewish leadership of the gun-banning movement, a group of Jews in Milwaukee claiming to be defenders of the Second Amendment have been noisily denouncing gun control…

Sociobiology: The Truth at Last
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE AUGUST 1 issue of Time magazine carried a six-page cover story on sociobiology, which is just a fancy name for the biological study of groups of interacting organisms — including human societies. (ILLUSTRATION: Charles Darwin demolished one Jewish myth, and his successors…

Rosenberg on Christianity
by Alfred Rosenberg (pictured)
from his Memoirs (1946) WHAT [HITLER’S] OWN beliefs were he never told me in so many words. Once, at table, he said a high-placed Italian had asked him point-blank what his religious beliefs were. He had begged permission not to answer that question. In his speeches…
from his Memoirs (1946) WHAT [HITLER’S] OWN beliefs were he never told me in so many words. Once, at table, he said a high-placed Italian had asked him point-blank what his religious beliefs were. He had begged permission not to answer that question. In his speeches…