Posts Tagged

National Security


TO APPRECIATE the significance of what I’m about to share, you really need to go back and read yesterday’s post: The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think. In that piece, I shared many lesser known, but extremely bizarre facts about Jeffrey Epstein and the people around him. I also…
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ISRAEL RUNS ONE of the world’s most aggressive and damaging espionage networks against the U.S. One senior American diplomat explains that inside the State Department “everybody knows that Israel spies on us. When someone is caught, they’re ‘punished’ by being promoted.” In 2006 a Pentagon judge …
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Beginning with switchable Domain Name Servers for BRICS countries; distrust of Washington-controlled infrastructure underlies move THE RUSSIAN SECURITY COUNCIL has asked the country’s government to develop an independent Internet infrastructure for BRICS nations, which would continue to…
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BRITAIN’S GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION HEADQUARTERS (GCHQ) intelligence unit officially described Israel as the “true threat” to peace in the Middle East, a leaked top-secret report has revealed. “The Israelis constitute a true threat to regional security, notably because of the country’s…
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Introduction: In the article below from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, you will see an admission that Jews have coerced Italy, Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Britain, and most other West European countries into paying Jews millions of dollars for special “security forces,”…
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INTRODUCTION: Donald Trump has now named former Bill Clinton CIA director and extremist neoconservative James Woolsey (pictured) as his “senior adviser on national security issues.” The oddest aspect of this is perhaps that Woolsey, who departed the CIA back in 1995, continued on…
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Anti-White Jewish stooge McCain — a vicious warmonger against Russia, Iran, and any country independent of Zionism — is also banned from entering Russia. RUSSIAN PROSECUTORS have recognized the International Republican Institute NGO headed by US Senator John McCain as an undesirable…
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For the past seven years, Huawei Technologies has been developing a range of software and equipment, some potentially sensitive, through an Israel-registered company called Toga Networks, according to former and current employees of both companies. Note by John I. Johnson: I have a very good idea…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

Total Surveillance State, or a White state: Those are the real alternatives. by Kevin Alfred Strom IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE of Time magazine, an excerpt from Jewish writer Ron Suskind‘s book on terrorism, The One Percent Doctrine, was printed — an excerpt that, most notably, deals…
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THE WIDESPREAD political condemnation of Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States and for surveillance of mosques was pretty great yesterday. American leaders left and right said that such policies are unconstitutional and counter to U.S. values. “Donald Trump is a race-baiting,…
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