Posts Tagged
National Security Agency

Snowden: New Law Gives Government A Secret Backdoor To All Technology
NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden warns newly enacted legislation gives governments a backdoor to all technology.
WHILE THE CORPORATE MEDIA is busy obsessing over fake news and Russian propaganda Edward Snowden is warning that a new law just passed gives the government the ability to put secret…

Russian Cyberwarfare? No: Here’s the Deadly Israeli/US Cyberwar Plan That Could Immolate the World
An in-depth documentary revealing the history of Stuxnet being just a very small part of an apocalyptic cyber warfare arsenal known as Nitro Zeus.
IN THE MOST in-depth documentary to date on the Stuxnet industrial infrastructure worm, which has spread across the world and destroyed 1,000 nuclear…

Some Sketches on Vertical Geographies
by Trevor Paglen
I’VE LONG THOUGHT that conventional understandings of geography were a little too “horizontal”. That geographical concepts such as production, uneven development, territory, scale, geopolitics and the like tended to be theorized on an assumed horizontal plane of human…

NSA Monitors Israel, Catches Corrupt Congressmen
Treasonous legislators empowered the spies who caught them; Jews and their bought politicians wail loudly
IN A STORY that shows that Jewish-American lobbyists and journalists have very little self-awareness, Adam Entous and Danny Yadron thought that it would be a good idea to publish a story in…

NSA Spies Reveal Congress/Jewish Lobby Link
THE JEWISH LOBBY controls the US Congress to such a degree that the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance of the Israeli government ended up effectively spying on the House and Senate, it has emerged.
This fact is revealed within the latest so-called “NSA spying on Israel scandal,” which…

Greek Community Creates an Off-The-Grid Internet
IN AN effort to buck the expensive rates of unreliable corporate telecom companies, a community in Athens, Greece, has created its own private Internet.
Built from a network of wireless rooftop antennas, the Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network (AWMN) now has more than 1,000 members. Data moves…

Wikipedia Operator Sues NSA Over Massive Surveillance Effort
Despite his pandering to Israel on numerous occasions, Wikipedia’s Wales is right to oppose US government surveillance.
THE WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, the organization that operates the wildly popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia, says user privacy has been violated and that it’s…