Posts Tagged
National Cathedral

Murder in the Cathedral, part 3
by Douglas Mercer WAY BACK in 19 hundred and 53 when White America was still at the midway point of its dissolution, the great and good Daughters of the Confederacy donated the famous and beautiful Jackson/Lee stained glass windows to the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. At the time no one thought…

Murder in the Cathedral, part 1
The National Cathedral in Washington, DC by Douglas Mercer ADOLF HITLER KNEW the supreme importance of art and buildings and cultural symbols. In his diaries, Goebbels routinely expressed his great dismay that what to him were important matters were being neglected by the Führer as he stayed up all…

Rosa Parks Enshrined at National Cathedral
by Kevin Alfred Strom THE GROTESQUE pockmarked figure on the right is not a gargoyle, but it is carved into the walls of a cathedral — the so-called National Cathedral in Washington, DC to be precise. It is a quasi-religious icon portraying one of the regime’s secular saints, Rosa Parks,…