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EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

The state is a means, not an end. And even your own state, if it defective or unnatural, can be a deadly enemy. by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent MAINSTREAM PEOPLE TEND to overestimate the role of the state. This is especially the case in societies with centuries-long totalitarian…
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EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

Understanding today’s state of chaos; and finding a way forward for our race in the midst of state-destroying war by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver THE PRESS has somewhat reluctantly reported the arrest of two men, sergeants in the Marine Corps and also operatives of the C.I.A. stationed in the American Embassy in Moscow (and one of them later in the American Embassy in Vienna), who enabled the Soviets to install electronic surveillance…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce A PHYSICIAN who wants to ascertain the health of a person checks his weight and blood pressure, listens to his heartbeat and breathing, examines his skin, and so on. The physician knows what signs to look for, what measurements to make in order to decide whether his patient…
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NATIONS AND CULTURES are fragile things. I was reflecting on this some time ago, reading through the work of that great Russian novelist and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who saw with rare clarity of vision what the nihilist secularism of the Soviet state had done to millions of people. Signs…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims IN CHAPTER five of his book, The Inequality of Human Races, Arthur de Gobineau begins with an interesting statement in regard to actual racial superiority, as opposed to a superiority that is merely perceived or asserted. States are created by races. Usually, though not always, the state…
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Classic Essays

by Brian Smith Introductory Note THE OTHER DAY I received a letter — not a letter addressed to me, but a copy of a letter which was sent by National Alliance member Brian Smith of Boise, Idaho, to his mother, in which he tries to explain to her what he believes and why he believes it. The letter is very…
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They want to suppress the idea of racial self-determination because they know it has the power to remake the world. by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 1, 2006) A NATION FOUNDED on ideas or religion or on geography alone is an artificial construct. It will die when its…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) THE SECOND WORLD WAR was the great watershed in the collapse of the West. Had any major Western nation — in particular, Britain, France, or America — had the integrity to resist the Jews and avoid being drawn into their worldwide conspiracy against Germany, there…
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In fear of the Golden Dawn by Nikolaos Michaloliakos AS YOU ALL know, every member of parliament from Golden Dawn, elected in June 2012, has been indicted. Remember that the Minister of Justice from Samaras’ government, Athanasiou, from the first moment of our arrest, had stated that we will have a fair…
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