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Looks like even non-Whites dislike pushy homosexuals and Rothschild overlords. EDITOR’S NOTE: Had it been a White performer expressing the same thoughts, his or her career would be instantly over. Naidoo will be chastised and kicked down a notch or two, but, as he says, he “is fine with…
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by Michael J. Polignano RECENTLY I WENT to the San Francisco Opera’s new production of Richard Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman (Der Fliegende Holländer), and I thought I would share my reactions, since they relate to larger issues. (ILLUSTRATION: Richard Wagner (1813-1883).) It was…
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On Wednesday, the Slovenian band Laibach say they became the first western rock group to play inside North Korea. PHOTOGRAPHS seem to show that the audience at the Ponghwa Theatre was appreciative, if not completely sure of what to make of the concert. Laibach describe themselves as “a music…
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by John I. Johnson THE SWEDISH singer Saga is a pro-white, anti-Jewish racialist who rose out of her nation’s skinhead subculture, which centers around a certain kind of rock music. It is a populist (bottom up, not top down) subculture opposed to the totalitarian, genocidal policies of Jews…
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Classic Essays

RICHARD WAGNER (pictured) was one of those rare composers who was as skillful in his theoretical writings as in his music (another was the Frenchman Jean-Phillipe Rameau). Wagner did not rely on his music alone to gain a reputation, but attempted to construct a coherent theory on which to base his compositions.…
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Classic Essays

EDITOR’S NOTE: Music is perhaps the most accurate meter of the fire in the communal soul. When there is fervor, there are stirring marches and heart-wrenching ballads. When there is only propaganda, there is only Irving Berlin. Unfortunately, the best songs of America have grown out of its…
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David SimsHumor

Let’s start today with a rousing song! by David Sims THE BATTLE HYMN of the Republic was originally an American Christian-patriotic song composed shortly before the American Civil War, with words by Julia Ward Howe. The new words, composed by myself, are sung to the same tune. The “Fourteenth”…
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THE New York Times reports that the Carnegie Hall performance of a young Estonian-born composer’s piece, “March to Oblivion” (“Marsh u Nebuttya”), has been canceled by the New York Youth Symphony (NYYS) because one section of the score contains the melody from the Horst Wessel…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 19, 2014 by Kevin Alfred Strom A WINDOW INTO the strange and sick world of Jewish Hollywood was opened earlier this week when a young man named Michael Egan courageously filed a lawsuit…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 12, 2014 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT IS SAID that for every good man there is of necessity a good woman behind him, helping to make his achievements possible. I don’t think there are very…
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