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Even in commercialized surroundings, White people create spontaneous beauty. Our heritage is worth fighting for. IMAGINE making your commute home, bracing yourself for the human tsunami that is sure to greet you when cutting through a busy train station. Only this time, instead of the din of a bustling…
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Classic Essays

HOW TRUE were the accusations made by Richard Wagner in his famous article “Judaism in Music”? Was the theory of disproportionate Jewish influence realistic? Or was it the myth that Jewish apologists would have us believe? Ernest Newman’s four-volume biography of Wagner gives…
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Classic Essays

by Jeff Hilton A READER HAS asked me to recommend a list of recordings of Western music performed by Western musicians. During long and hard cogitation I have made lists of the Ten Greatest Recordings and the Hundred Greatest Recordings, but these lists are too personal and include many recordings that…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton WHEN GERMANY conquered and occupied much of Europe during World War II, local women sometimes gave birth to half-German children. Due to the intense hatred generated against Germany by Allied governments and the mass media, such women and children often became targets of animosity,…
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Classic Essays

THE JEWISH ASCENDANCY in the American music world is so obvious that even ADL officials no longer bother to deny it. From instrumentalists to conductors to composers to teachers the Jewish monopoly is quasi-total. Jewish musicians, in fact, boast about it. Yehudi Menuhin in his memoirs Unfinished
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce ROCK “music” is one of the most manifest symptoms of the West’s decline. Like modern “art” it is a cultural excrescence of a demented civilization which has turned on itself and is tearing madly at its own vitals. (ILLUSTRATION: “Prince”) The daubings of a Pollock,…
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by Max Musson THOSE WHO KNOW me will be aware that I am not a Christian in terms of my religious beliefs, although I would claim to be culturally Christian in that I was raised within a nominally Christian family at a time when that religion had a much more prominent and solid position within our society.…
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by Peter Frost What is the meaning of “Black Metal” and its brief, violent outburst against conformity in Norway? BLACK METAL is a musical subgenre that grew out of death metal and, more broadly, heavy metal. In general, it pushes certain aspects of this genre to even farther extremes:…
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It is a part of the entertainment industry that sells. Sex sells, and for some disgusting reason young sex sells even more.
— Jennifer Lawrence WHILE WE ALL knew that it was coming, to see it actually before my eyes now, is more shocking than I ever thought it would be. In Miley’s new video entitled…
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Classic Essays

INTERPRETATION, the element that give a particular flavor to music, can be the difference between a good and a bad performance. When the interpretation is distorted for whatever reason, a wholesale alteration of the composition occurs. There are built-in constraints to distortion in instrumental…
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