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Ralph Vaughan Williams: A Life for Music
by Paul Comben WE ARE IN the Queen’s Hall, London, on one of the major British concert evenings of 1935. About us, the auditorium is steadily filling with people about to hear the premiere of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Fourth Symphony. Although some news of the work’s content has leaked…

Viva la Vida, Hitler Edition
by Chris Rossetti I THOUGHT that since Kevin Strom mentioned Coldplay’s song Viva la Vida in this week’s ADV, I should post this video based on a tender,…
by Chris Rossetti I THOUGHT that since Kevin Strom mentioned Coldplay’s song Viva la Vida in this week’s ADV, I should post this video based on a tender,…

Shakin’ Stevens as Odinic Archetype in “Merry Christmas Everyone” Music Video
by Survive the Jive IN THE MUSIC VIDEO for “Merry Christmas Everyone” by Welsh rock ‘n’ roll singer Shakin Stevens we see a clear example of the dormant Jungian Odinic archetype manifesting in popular culture. It begins with a towheaded Anglo-Saxon child boarding an aeroplane and flying to Hyperborea…

Broadway Jews and Darwinian Selection
American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 24, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom MANY OF THE things we have to endure in this society of time-servers, of careerists, of materialism and consumerism, of purposelessness, are evil things.…

Don’t Be An Indoorsman
by Blake Hood THE MODERN White American is a fat, soft, domesticated animal. Those who want to be Volkish must be the complete opposite — they must be strong and fit and wild. One cannot be a proud member of the Volk if one is fat and weak. Beyond that basic principle, you need to remember two thing in…

Red Pill Music by The Decency
reviewed by John Young … he has smashed a giant fist through the music establishment by demonstrating just how much is lost with the “pop” song writing formula. THERE ARE MANY forms of artistic expression. The reason there are so many forms of art is because not all ideas are as effectively conveyed in…

Rapper Features Hanging of Young White Boy in “Music Video”
This video and article contain extremely disgusting and disturbing images; they should not be viewed by children or sensitive persons. IT IS A MARK of how low America has fallen that this rap “song” — “Look at Me” — by the mulatto performer calling himself “Xxxtentacion,”…

Syndrome of a Down
PLEASE WATCH the amazing video above. Be sure to dislike and leave comments. This is what our enemy has been reduced to. They were always this weak. A “Rage Against the Machine” tribute band performs completely limp nu-metal while a singer that one Jewtube commentator described as a “144…

Prokofiev and the Revival of Nationalism in Soviet Music
SERGEI PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) is generally recognized as one of the greatest of Russian composers. Working in a variety of genres, Prokofiev wrote for cinema, ballet, opera, and small ensembles in addition to composing symphonies. An avant-gardist during the early period of his career, Prokofiev…

Daubing Swastikas: An Honored Jewish Tradition
Having fun by Revilo P. Oliver EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE a Jew in some community in this country has a romp. He paints a swastika on the side of his barn or his store or his house or a synagogue and then yells for the local press. A photographer rushes out and poses a couple beside the horrid swastika — usually…