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THE INTERNET allows types of people to find one another and gather wherever they’re from. Always before, people have assorted by families and clans they are born into, by ethnic groups and race. These groups have always been bound by certain limits of geography. The information age has revealed there…

Science Is the Baby in the Bathwater of Modernity
by David Sims THE IDEOLOGY of modernity, and its offspring, globalism, might be partially correct in one way. That one way is the baby in the bathwater of that ideology. Modernity holds that science is the best way by which the truth might become known. The idea that truth is like the rain, carving many…

Sparks from the Golden Anvil
by Veiko Hessler AN AWAKENING has taken place in European consciousness. Never before have so many minds almost independently concluded that there is something deeply and irreparably wrong with the system that rules them. Whether in Hungary, Austria, or the United Kingdom an irrepressible torrent…

Generation Nomad: Travellers Without Destination
by Veiko Hessler THE YOUTH of today are quite possibly the most decried and despised generation in history. Millennials are regarded as a selfish, entitled generation who believe in neither country nor God. Despite being, supposedly, the most educated, wealthy, and free human beings to have ever…