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Evelyn Waugh’s Hard Line
There is much to be learned from Waugh’s (pictured) view of our civilization’s decline, even if we do not share his profound pessimism.
by Cholly Bilderberger
GIVEN THE BARRENNESS of our spiritual and psychological lives, it is startling how little resistance we offer. One would expect…

Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner
by Collin Cleary
A&E’s DVD (and Blu-ray) release of The Prisoner bills this cult series as “television’s first masterpiece.” In truth, it is probably television’s only masterpiece. The Prisoner is a triumph of acting, photography, design, writing, and thought. More generally,…

On the “Aesthetics” of Modernity
by Mark Citadel
IF WE AFFIRM an objective aesthetic, that in the appearance of corporeal entities and elements there exist combinations that can be counted as objectively beautiful, and others that can be counted as objectively ugly, we can expose much of the Modern World as being aesthetically deficient.…

The Romantic Idea That the Mills Are the Problem
TRYING TO EXPLAIN the emergence of the Alt Right movement seems obvious until you realize that it was, to an extent, preceded by the Hippie movement of the 1960s; which itself was preceded by various other movements, including the romantic movement in art and literature in the centuries before. (ILLUSTRATION:…

Progressivism – The Truth After the Lie
PROGRESSIVISM is a leftist thought process implemented into society via media, academia, politics and entertainment. It desires a world with no white European people, no traditional families, no religion, no pride, and no identity. It promotes degeneracy, immorality, ugliness, miscegenation,…