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A Thousand Miles of White Men
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 February, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I USED TO LIVE in Rochester, Minnesota in the 1990s. Prior to that, I spent a lot of time in Minnesota as a child…

Depraved Mind Element
THE AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM is deeply “racist” and evil. Innocent Jig-a-Boo-Americans are routinely given much harsher sentences for the exact same crimes as Whites. Consider the case of a 65 I.Q. Somali enemygrant that Sweden: The State handed a badge and a gun. When the idiotic…

Minnesota: Importing Revolution
by Anglo Norman MINNESOTA USED to be the White man’s land, the Great White North. Peopled heavily by Swedes, Norwegians, and Germans, it was an Indo-European heartland in the New World. As recently as just a few decades ago, one could travel across nearly the entire state and never see a non-European.…

Ain’t Democracy Grand?
Ilhan Omar by David Sims ILHAN Omar, a non-White Muslim congresswoman from Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District, apparently has been caught buying votes for cash. Project Veritas reports that Somali immigrants to Minneapolis have been approached by persons associated with Omar and…

Masked Tyranny
by Andrew Hamilton TIM WALZ (D.), the odious governor of Minnesota, has issued a decree that everyone in the state must wear masks in public to avoid having the police called on them, generating a permanent electronic criminal record, and paying mandatory fines. Consider it a template for what is happening…

White Heritage Religious Group Takes Root in Minnesota
This abandoned Lutheran church in Murdock, Minn., will become a Midwest regional hub for the Asatru Folk Assembly, a Nordic heritage church which reveres the indigenous Germanic gods of Europe. A NORDIC heritage church that Jewish pressure groups call a “White supremacist organization”…

Attempts to Rebuild
GENETIC ALIEN inferior lives matter. We need to abolish the police. White man bad. Get on your knees, slave. The last sixty years of appeasement might as well have never happened. It certainly didn’t buy us any goodwill from the tar monsters or their Semitic wire-pullers. Despite the decades…

Minnesota: Beltrami County Votes “No” to More “Refugees”
An estimated 200 people came out to let their elected officials know that they don’t want to become a resettlement site for 2020. This is the second US county to do so. PREVIOUSLY, I reported that Appomattox County, Virginia had gone on record in response to the President’s refugee resettlement reform…

Minnesota: Somali Rampage at Amusement Park
ON SATURDAY September 22, 2018 at the ValleyFair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota, police and emergency responders had to evacuate all guests after a mob of Somali teenagers and men rushed through security and caused several violent fights to break out inside the park, a Jewish alt-lite reporter,…

You Have to Know
What Our Schools Are Teaching Our Children by Kevin Alfred Strom (1996) MINNESOTA IS THE LAND of my recent ancestors, who settled there in the 19th century after leaving Norway. It is a land of hard-working, honest, open, and often naive White people. In fact, it is one of the Whitest states in the nation.…