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Memorial Day: What Is Worth Fighting For
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 May, 2024 This week we present a newly-edited version of one of our most important classic ADV Memorial Day broadcasts, helping us to remember what is really important on this somber — and, today, grossly misunderstood — holiday. In the past, …

China Parades Longest-Range Missile on Earth; Can Target US in 30 Minutes, Level NYC in One Strike
And we’re supposed to counter this rising power with a “rainbow” army, transgender pervert and pervert-loving leadership, and a rootless, atomized, squabbling multiriacial population that believes in nothing — especially not in itself — with a rapidly declining…

The SS Officer
Of Personality SHOULD WE in the Waffen-SS speak of “authority”? Does not a mysterious energy flow from the genuine leader, which shines through the whole unit and draws all to him? What kind of pitiful authority was the one that Jews and Marxists tried to convince us of: authority as something not personal,…

Russia Is Building a Wholly Separate, Back up Internet in Case of Major War
THE RUSSIAN MILITARY is building a massive cloud which will serve as backup Internet in the event of a war. The cloud will be ready in two years and will allow Russia to survive in wartime, even they are totally disconnected. This new move is part of the country’s ongoing modernization drive, reported …

Learning from the Romans: Highly Effective Low-Tech Fighting
by David Sims LOW TECHNOLOGY street fighting, without guns, need not be without effective weaponry. Long before there were such things as explosives or gunpowder, the ancient Romans used equivalents to the rifle, the light cannon, and artillery, which were made out of wood and metal, and either corded…

The German Military Baton
by Andrew Hamilton A LITTLE-KNOWN but highly significant military symbol of Germany and the Third Reich was the personalized Marshal’s baton, a short, heavy, bejeweled emblem of authority carried only by Field Marshals (Generalfeldmarschall) of the Army (Heer) and Air Force (Luftwaffe) and Grand…

Lobbying and the Arms Trade
The massive killing machine described here is the weapon now wielded by the Jewish power structure against all peoples who would be independent and free. by Michael Walsh WITH ITS staggering $692 billion war (defence) budget the U.S arms industry constitutes 43% of the world’s military expenditure.…

Will Williams in Vietnam
by Hadding Scott SINCE Will Williams became an officer of the National Alliance in the early 1990s, it has happened from time to time that someone would try to cast doubt on his military record. For example, Dr. William Pierce wrote in the National Alliance Bulletin of November-December 1992 that one…

Taking Memorial Day Seriously
Americans should never again be asked to die in wars fought against our own interests. American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 28, 2016 by Kevin Alfred Strom On today’s broadcast, I’ll be delivering an updated version…

Army Secretary: Women Should Have to Register for Draft
EDITOR’S NOTE: Societies that attempt to achieve “full and pure equality” soon cease to exist. There has never been, and never can be, such a thing. And, if there could be such a thing, it would be undesirable and harmful. IN LIGHT OF the Pentagon’s recent decision to open all jobs…