Posts Tagged

Mike Walsh


Russians frequently cite this alleged war crime as Exhibit A of German brutality during the war. The peasants were subsistence farmers, barely scratching out a living. Burning their homes and barns almost ensured that they would perish over the harsh winter. Now it turns out Stalin’s Jewish
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LIFE IN Hitler’s Reich was better than anywhere else on earth. For nearly 13 years, ordinary workers enjoyed a lifestyle equaled only by the rich and famous. From 1933 to 1945, Hitler’s Germany led the world in fashion, medicine, cinema, manufacturing, superior lifestyle, transport facilities,…
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by Michael Walsh OURS WAS a far different world when in 1983 I added conventional media to my writing output. There was then neither Internet nor independent broadcasting. The few Spartans defending our race did much but achieved little. Until the onset of the Internet, the media’s palace scribes ruled…
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by Michael Walsh NO THANKS to the media, we Europeans are kept very much in the dark as to what is happening even in our own backyard. The unelected elite of Brussels maintain the illusion that one size fits all. In fact, the European Union is a house divided. To the west are the dumbed-down pseudo-democracies.…
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by Michael Walsh DEMOCIDE is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R.J. Rummel (1932-2014) as “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.” Population control is a common aim of governments. Pressure to decrease inconvenient…
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by Michael Walsh MANY WORDS have double or more meanings. The term homicide describes murder or slaughter. A slight variation provides us with another term that describes the same ultimate consequence. The word homocide applies to homosexuals who choose to self-destruct by adopting an unnatural…
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by Michael Walsh A MAINSTAY of propaganda strategy is the spreading of “black” propaganda. Black propaganda is the most effective form of subversion because the contagion is carried by those most harmed by it. Black propaganda is the distribution of false information for the purpose…
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Classic Essays

by Michael Walsh AIRBRUSHED FROM anti-White media is any mention of Hitler’s sister, Paula, who remains largely unknown to the public. Paula Hitler adored her brother and empathised with the social reformer’s struggle for a genuine socialist world order. Embittered by her sibling’s pyrrhic end,…
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by Michael Walsh AS THE FRONT collapses, there’s disarray in the “Holocaust” ranks whilst some are turning their guns on their tormentors. The Jewish community is aghast that the Holocaust narrative has been seized and is now being used against them. The dissident on this occasion is…
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by Michael Walsh SIT THE STUDENTS down and explain slowly: “According to the World Jewish Encyclopaedia there resided 2.4 million Jews in German-occupied Europe. After the war, 3.8 million Jewish ‘holocaust survivors’ were receiving pensions from the German government. Tragically, the remaining…
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