Posts Tagged

Mike Pompeo

Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Mike Pompeo by Douglas Mercer WE JUST CELEBRATED the Fourth, the ideal time for the Republicans to engage in some criminal revisionism. On Independence Day Republican Mike Pompeo thought it a fit time to rear back and lay on the bull with a trowel, to lard up the toast with some patriotic butter —…
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Douglas MercerEssaysNews

Former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman and former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo shoot a section of their new film in Jerusalem by Douglas Mercer ADOLF HITLER SAID THAT in Germany he was really waging war against the conservatives, not the Communists. Because once the conservatives had been…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Mike Pompeo by Douglas Mercer

A COUPLE MONTHS AGO Mike Pompeo continued his endless rolling campaign for the Presidency by going to that jackass Jerry Falwell’s legacy college, Liberty University, where he got the brainwashed all riled up with his patented brand of cloying treacle. The day…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer MIKE POMPEO is an evangelical Zionist, willingly and enthusiastically blood-libels his own people, and exalts his real gods, the Jews. He takes no second seat when it comes to servility to Jews. Most frequently when he speaks, it’s to praise, defend, and lionize the (wait for…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Pompeo by Douglas Mercer JUST BEFORE the last Independence Day (which Kevin Strom has rightly noted should rightly be called Dependence Day), former Trump CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took to the electronic pages of Fox News and served us up a heaping helping of patriotic pornography…
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CommentaryGuest opinionNews

Pompeo (center) and friends by John Randolph SECRETARY of State Mike Pompeo recently rode into the Israeli Settlements, drank some wine, and let everyone know where his bread is buttered. Trump appointee Pompeo has been insistent that “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism,” something I’m…
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Mike Pompeo, left, with a non-terrorist by Mark Weber THE US government has formally designated the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) — a small Christian monarchist outfit based in St. Petersburg — as a terrorist organization, and has imposed sanctions on the group and its leaders. This characterization…
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Fundamentalist lunacy in high positions is a frightening reality. SECRETARY of State Mike Pompeo recently suggested that President Donald Trump may have been “sent by God to protect Israel.” Asked in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) whether he thought “President…
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