Posts Tagged
Middle East

Pretexts for an Attack on Iran
Bolton the Belligerent. AN “Iraq War Redux” is now in full play, with leading roles played by some of the same protagonists — President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, for example, who says he still thinks attacking Iraq was a good idea. Co-starring is Secretary…

Who Is Guilty?
US Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin and Brig. Gen. Shahar Shohat of the Israeli military meet in Israel. by Dr. William L. Pierce OBSERVING THE RESPONSES to last week’s attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center has been interesting, to say the least. It has been 11 days now, and nearly every spokesman…

Regularly Scheduled Deployment
THE TRUMP administration is deploying a carrier strike group and bombers to the Middle East in response to troubling “indications and warnings” from Iran and to show the United States will retaliate with “unrelenting force” to any attack, national security adviser John…

Send Them All Back
Giuliani (center) and friends by Dr. William L. Pierce A FRIEND in New York has sent me a collection of New York newspapers with stories about the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center. I’ve scanned at least 20 issues of the New York Times, the New York Post, and the Daily News from the past…

Who is Guilty?
by Dr. William L. Pierce (2001) OBSERVING THE RESPONSES to last week’s attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center has been interesting, to say the least. It has been 11 days now, and nearly every spokesman for the controlled media and for the government has been avoiding the obvious question:…

America’s Real Enemies
by Dr. William L. Pierce WATCHING MAINSTREAM TELEVISION news programs these days is a fascinating experience — and an enormously educational experience for those Americans able to read between the lines. CNN Headline News still carries the red, white, and blue banner “America’s…

Trump: US Troops Will Stay in Middle East to Protect Israel
US PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP has admitted that the US only keeps its troops in the Middle East to protect Israel.
In an interview with the Washington Post yesterday, Trump explained that he would not withdraw US troops from the region because of the need to support Israel, despite the fact that other US concerns…

Make America Cannon Fodder Again
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 14, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom I AM SICK to my heart, disappointed, and saddened by those who still fail to understand that Donald Trump has been captured by the Jewish power structure. His…

The Brutal Occupation of Palestine Continues — Thanks to America’s Jewish Masters
Below are excerpts from an article by Philip Giraldi, who Wikipedia describes as a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer at the CIA. From my estimation, Giraldi is the best expositor of how the Jewish Lobby has totally corrupted U.S. foreign policy and irreparably…

China: We’re Not Going to be Accepting Refugees
This article, from an official Chinese Communist English-language news site, indicates that China has every intention of staying Asian and staying overwhelmingly Chinese. But the reasons given are weak and non-racial, similar to the reasons American “conservatives” give for opposing…