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Feral Migrants Running Wild
by Douglas Mercer AMERICA HAS BECOME A free-for-all where the aliens waltz in like they own the place, trash the country in every way possible, commit crimes, do drugs, traffic in fake documents — and all with absolutely no repercussions. In fact if they get caught nothing will happen to them,…

Dismantling Whiteness
by Douglas Mercer A PANEL exists in this former nation of ours called the “Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorates the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America.” It was created by last year’s…

The Mestizos Are Coming
by Kenneth Roberts HERE COME the Mestizos, and may God help us all. I don’t mean White symphony-orchestra-conducting and electrical engineer Latin Americans, who are rare to the point of non-existence in the Brown Tide. I mean the border-jumper Mestizo hordes that no one wants, not even Mexico,…

MS-13 Gang Murders Highlight Extent of Non-White Invasion of US East Coast
THE RECENT charges against a Mexican and five Salvadorans—all illegal aliens—for a gang-related killing in suburban Baltimore County has highlighted the extent of the mass non-White invasion of America over that nation’s southern border. Above: the murderers and their victim, photographs provided…

Latest Statistics: Blacks and Mestizos Far More Criminal Than Whites
And this is true even if we do not correct for the intentional governmental policy of categorizing some non-White criminals as White. by David Sims RACE MATTERS in every aspect of life, and the crime statistics recently published and compiled continue to tell us the truth about much race matters when…

Mother Testifies Against Open Borders After Mestizo Invader Murders Her Teenage Son
by David Sims THE MURDER HAPPENED several years ago, but I hadn’t heard of it before now [how surprising, not — Ed.]. A young White man named Joshua Wilkerson, 18, very slight of build, made the mistake of befriending a Mestizo young man, Hermilio Moralez, 19. The story goes that they were…

Anaheim: Mestizos Terrorize White Neighborhood After Shooting
This is how nations fall, 2017. The crowds of them get bigger and bigger, and the surviving Whites fewer and fewer — until we are helpless, and what today is only intimidation turns into a nightmare of death and depravity. This is the chaos the Jews want. The police are not sinless, either: They are…

Do Executive Orders Presage Real Border Security?
Introductory Note: We do not know if this is the same kind of window-dressing that every administration for the last 50 years has dished out, or something real. We do not know if the Jewish oligarchs who are close to Trump will stand for real action in this realm, or, if they will, what they demand in return.…

Open Season on Whites, part 2
by David Jones PEARLAND, TEXAS: A 25-year-old Mexican illegal alien and registered sex offender, who had previously been deported from Texas back to Mexico on account of sexual deviant conduct with a child, crossed illegally right back into Texas again and, this time, sexually assaulted a 16-year-old…