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A Hint of the Future
by Revilo P. Oliver THE COOK County Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, is financed by the taxpayers and administered by the County Board. When its President and Directors discovered in some way that two of the resident physicians on its staff (race unstated) were infected with Immunity Deficiency, they…

COVID-19: What’s It All About?
by John Massaro I THINK it’s safe to say that nearly every visitor to this site believes next to nothing that comes out of the mouths of politicians and journalists. So let me begin this discussion by stating that, in my opinion, this so-called corona virus pandemic is not a medical event but a media…

The Wonders of Capitalism: You Must Subsidize What Only the Rich Can Get
Yeah, right. Better make that $10,000 — for the first day. by David Sims THE GENERAL public will be taxed out of a trillion dollars before an anti-aging treatment that actually works is developed. Then the price set for getting that treatment will be so high that only the rich will be able to afford…

Virginia: Pakistani Doctor Sterilized Women, Possibly Hundreds, Without Their Knowledge
Javaid Perwaiz It is unknown what the racial makeup of the victims is, or whether a racial animus was involved. But there is a lesson here: If we fail to establish an all-White nation again, creatures like this — and even worse — will be “taking care” of ourselves, our women, …

The African Plague
by Revilo P. Oliver ACRONYMS, though common in the jargon of journalists and bureaucrats, who naturally imitate a usage introduced by the Communists, are always objectionable and are avoided by persons who want to write literate English. “AIDS” is also to be eschewed because it is an…

Tribal ‘Healers’ Increasingly Powerful in South African Politics
ALL THE SCHOOLING at two South African village schools has been disrupted for a week — after five tribal seers, ‘sangomas’, placed a spell on the school with traditional ‘medicine’ or muti. All the residents in the village of Sefikile near Mogwase in North West Province…

Capitalism’s Other Losses
Three easy-to-understand ways that capitalism literally sucks — sucks unearned money away from the rest of us, that is. by David Sims AMERICANS HAVE gotten used to third-rate grocery goods. They buy supermarket coffee and drink the beverage that they make from it, even though it tastes like…

New, Aggressive Form of HIV Identified in Cuba
IN CUBA, a variant of HIV that is much more aggressive than other known forms of the virus has been documented. Patients infected with this new variant progress to AIDS so rapidly that they may not even know they are infected, with AIDS symptoms occurring within 3 years of infection. (ILLUSTRATION: …