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WLP91: Images
This week we are celebrating the birth of Dr. William Luther Pierce (11 September 1933 – 23 July 2002), founder of the National Alliance, of the Cosmotheist Church, and of this online magazine. Here we present another of his brilliant ADV radio programs. by Dr. William L. Pierce (2000) I’M THE CHAIRMAN…

Tick Tock
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom I HAVE TITLED today’s broadcast “Tick Tock” — spelled properly, as in the sound of a clock ticking. I’m well aware that “TikTok” — the name of the social media firm founded…

Edutainment, part 4: Real versus Unreal
by Arthur Thief Deep Protagonists, Cookie-Cutter Antagonists WHENEVER THERE IS CONFLICT between characters on a screen or stage, be assured that the character most reflecting the “lessons” the creator of the piece wishes to teach will be the one most strongly thrust into the consciousness…

Edutainment, part 3: The Music and the Mimic
Tools of psychological and emotional abuse by Arthur Thief WE CAN SEE the depths to which Jewish propagandists will descend even in children’s entertainment. The overt Semitic sensibilities of the Lemony Snicket series would likely yield volumes in analysis; but today we speak of more subtle propaganda.…

Inspiration, Consciousness, Hope
National Alliance Love Your Race fliers and other printed materials prepared for public distribution American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 March, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom IN SAINT…

Reality Will Out: Scott Adams and You
Adams and his most famous creation American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 February, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I’VE BEEN FOLLOWING Scott Adams for quite a few years. I always…

Subscribe to the New National Alliance Video Channel
New channel has just begun on the Bitchute platform. THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE has just launched its own video channel on Bitchute. National Vanguard readers should go here and subscribe if you haven’t already: It’s so easy, and important, that we pass that link to…

Fade to Black
The darkening of our screens and its part in the theft of our past and our future by Jack Antonio YOU FLY into London on a British Airways plane on which you are shown an animated film about safety. It stars a cartoon Black man with his cartoon White wife and their cartoon mixed-race child. You pass through…

Chutzpah Lady
HOW DOES A nonentity like Ann Landers bounce out of the boondocks of Iowa and almost overnight become the seamy sibyl of millions of dumpy lumpenproletarians? Those who wonder about this should read the Ladies Home Journal (Jan. 1980). A treacly piece of puffery about Mrs. Eppie Lederer, Ann’s…

Justice vs. Power
by Dr. William L. Pierce I RECEIVED A telephone call this week from a woman I know in California. She’s a member of my organization, the National Alliance, and she is using her computer and her web site to disseminate information about a problem I have spoken about with you on several occasions in…