Posts Tagged
Max Musson

Beyond the Futility of Electioneering
by Max Musson AMONG THE VARIOUS nationalist groups in Britain, an increasing number have now turned away from electioneering as the means by which they hope to bring about political change and the salvation of our people. These groups have come to realise that the majority of the electorate are now so…

When Politics Invades the Playground
by Max Musson THIS WEEK A STORY has obsessed the UK media almost as much as the continuing Brexit saga: It is the story of a Syrian schoolboy named Jamal, a “refugee” whose family have been relocated to Huddersfield and who now attends Almondbury Community School in that town. A video has…

British People – This Way Now!
by Max Musson THE WAY FORWARD for British nationalism in the 21st Century is for us to begin acting as “nation-builders” and pioneers rather than politicians. Ours must be an organic and social movement for the foreseeable future and not a primarily political movement. Nationalist electioneers,…

Jez Turner — Our Champion Steps into the Arena!
by Max Musson EDITOR’S NOTE: It is the position of National Vanguard that the interests of other races, and especially Jewish interests, are not only different from White interests, but in many cases directly opposed to them — therefore no multiracial society is healthy or acceptable.…

The Attacks on Syria: Based on Flimsy Lies
by Max Musson SEVERAL DAYS have now passed since the US led missile strikes on three sites within Syria, as retribution for the Syrian Army’s earlier alleged use of chemical weapons against rebels in Douma (Duma), in Eastern Ghouta, one of many outlying districts of Damascus. The United States and her…

High Noon, High Stakes and Syrian Chemical Weapons Allegations
by Max Musson BEFORE WE HERE in the West climb right up onto our high horse and fueled by hubris and misplaced self-righteousness participate in what could potentially be a catastrophic military intervention in the Syrian civil war, escalating that conflict into World War III, let us pause for a moment…

Betrayal, Spies, Lies and Chemical Weapons
by Max Musson ONE WOULD HAVE assumed at any other time in our nation’s history that the British public would have automatically been four-square behind our prime minister and the British security services in their condemnation of a foreign power apparently committing a terrorist attack on British…

Cheddar Man — ‘Whiteness’, a Matter of Race, Not a Matter of Colour!
by Max Musson THE MASS MEDIA have over the past week or so, been celebrating the apparent ‘discovery’ that the ‘first modern Briton’, had blue eyes and “dark skin”, and not simply, ‘dark skin’, but “dark to black” skin colour, such that “if he was alive today he would be regarded as black”. This allegedly…

A Free Country; Sticks and Stones
and the inevitable salvation of the British people by Max Musson RECENTLY, I was prompted to recall a conversation I had as a child with my parents during the ‘Cold War’ period in which my parents explained to me and my siblings the differences between the oppression that once existed in Nazi Germany and…

The Political Soldier
by Max Musson I AM AWARE that the term ‘Political Soldier’ and the concept of a political ‘soldier’ has been used before, and there are PDF documents available to be found on the Internet in which Derek Holland outlined in 1984 his vision for the formation of an elite group of political super-activists…