Posts Tagged
Marine Le Pen
France: Jews in Le Pen’s Party Make Blacklist of Jew-Aware Candidates
Sulzer (L) and Le Pen Lesson: Don’t let Jews into your organization. JEWISH OFFICIALS and “handlers” in Marine Le Pen’s ostensibly anti-invasion National Rally party are preparing a list of officials in the French far-right party with so-called “neo-Nazi” affiliations,…
The French Election Was Rigged
We hold no brief for Marine Le Pen and her endless kowtowing to the Jews, but her election would have signaled a hurricane-force change in European politics. by David Sims THERE HAS BEEN election fraud in the most recent presidential race in France. Marine Le Pen might have won the election and now be the…
Will Marine Le Pen Become President of France?
To what extent is she a civic nationalist? To what extent is she duplicitous to gain votes? Does she care at all about the survival of our race? Which should aware Whites be concerned with: Winning the fickle, ignorant voters? — or gaining the means to seize power? ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA commentators…
Marine Le Pen’s TIME Debut: Disappointing
She says not a word about race; accepts Islam (as long as it is not “radical”) as a part of France; calls for shutting down radical mosques as centers of “hate” but not a word about shutting down the Jewish power structures that are killing us all.
by Marine Le Pen
France: Marine Le Pen to Face Trial for “Inciting Racial Hatred”
Jewish-inspired “hate laws” used to prosecute National Front leader for saying that Muslims are “occupying” France like “Nazis” did EDITOR’S NOTE: Of course, Marine Le Pen is right that non-White Muslims are occupying France — but she is quite…
France’s Le Pen: Alliance With US A Mistake
THE UNITED STATES is “neither an ally nor a friend of France,” member of the European Parliament, leader of France’s National Front political party Marine Le Pen (pictured) said, commenting on reports on eavesdropping on mobile phones of the last three French presidents. “The revelations made by…