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I Remember Kindness
by John Massaro I DON’T KNOW ABOUT where you live, but on Long Island, my home turf until recently, there are a lot of elementary schools. Many of them are surrounded by chain link fences, and often messages of two or three words in the form of red or blue plastic cups stuck in the fence. The politically correct…

The Volkish Philosophy of Life
OVER AGAINST ALL this, the völkisch concept of the world recognizes that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind. In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind. Therefore…

Nature Is God’s Word
EVERY CREATURE has its own language to enter into heaven. See the flowers, they pray with colors — and so praise the May sky with delicate scents. And hear the birds and the bees, and see the shimmering lizard, and how the mosquitoes dance around the evening rays. All of this is beautiful, and what…

by Kurt Eggers
translated by the Wewelsburg Archives Translator’s Note: The terms ‘law’ (Gesetz) and ‘order’ (Ordnung) lose a lot in translation. ‘Law’ here does not mean the formal law found in the books in a lawyer’s office, rather something akin to the ‘laws of Nature’, or more accurately,…
translated by the Wewelsburg Archives Translator’s Note: The terms ‘law’ (Gesetz) and ‘order’ (Ordnung) lose a lot in translation. ‘Law’ here does not mean the formal law found in the books in a lawyer’s office, rather something akin to the ‘laws of Nature’, or more accurately,…

Apologists for Capitalism Say Your Life Is What it Is “Because of the Choices You Made”
by David Sims APOLOGISTS FOR capitalism are right that initial conditions don’t determine the greatness of a person’s life. The human experience is chaotic, which means that little changes can lead to large differences. An example: Suppose that you only met your wonderful wife because…

The Tree and the Vine
A lesson from Nature 1 NATURE teaches you everything you need to know about the reality of life. There are only so many modes for living beings, and so those modes can be seen repeating themselves throughout the natural world. This is how conscious beings like us are taught by Nature: we observe these repeating…

Combining the Copernican and Anthropic Principles
by David Sims THE Copernican principle, generalized, is that the place we occupy in our universe is nothing special. We are not, for example, at the center of the universe. We are, instead, in the boonies of a typical spiral galaxy at the edge of the Virgo galaxy cluster near the fringe of a supercluster…

Selfless Action
by Matt Koehl WE ESPOUSE A CAUSE. It is a Cause far greater than our individual selves. It is one of Life. It is one of Right and Truth – of our fundamental being. Few today recognize the
awesome dimensions of that which we represent. Fewer still have come to act
upon that recognition. Many, disturbed by the…

Be Jubilant
by Lucas Hood “Grab life by throat and make it give us what we desire”— the thief Valeria from Conan the Barbarian BE JUBILANT. It goes without saying that our times are tough, perhaps tougher than ever before. Being born into this age is the greatest gift of fate that we could have. We were given the…

Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? (part 15)
Robert Oppenheimer by Revilo P. Oliver The Fly in the Ointment IT IS HIGH TIME we returned from our excursus to Mr. Catran and took notice of one nugget of wisdom he offers us, an injunction that we must never study history. History, you see, would tell us what human beings are by nature, and prophets of a…