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US History: The Whiskey Rebels’ Conception of Liberty
THE CURE for Indian troubles favored by the frontiersmen was extermination of the Indians, and from this policy they rarely deviated either in theory or practice. In their minds it was a simple problem of choosing which race should survive, and they did not hesitate to choose. There has never been a time…
Time to Water the Tree of Liberty
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY WE’LL TALK about a subject we’ve spoken about often in the past, and that is freedom, especially its prospects for the future. Unfortunately those prospects are quite dim at the moment. I’m afraid that most people wouldn’t agree with me on that,…
Enemies of Liberty
by Dr. William L. Pierce IT HAS BEEN SAID that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. That makes sense to me. I believe it’s true. But it certainly isn’t good news for America. It’s not good news because eternal vigilance is simply too high a price for most Americans today. They’re…
Protecting the Protectors of the Oligarchs
The System may create a new “protected class” who can commit acts of violence and terror against dissidents with impunity — because even their names will be unknown. In a Third World America, both criminals and those charged with controlling criminals are dangerous to us —…
July 4th: A Sham and a Lie
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 4, 2015 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT’S JULY 4th again — so-called Independence Day. The day we watch the Chinese fireworks and eat the carcinogenic hot dogs and get drunk out of our minds…
American Dissident Voices: Liberty
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 1, 2014 by Kevin Alfred Strom LIBERTARIANISM is a tempting philosophy for White Americans who are disgusted by what their government has become. Libertarians vary somewhat in their perspectives,…