Posts Tagged
Assertion, Reassertion, and Victory
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 30, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THERE IS A VERY STRANGE gradient in the Washington, DC area. It’s a biological and cultural gradient. It runs from the almost entirely Black sections…
Sagdluk the Liar
by Kevin Alfred Strom
A CERTAIN Greenland Eskimo was taken on one of the American North Polar expeditions in the early part of the 20th century. Later, as a reward for faithful service, he was brought to New York City for a short visit. At all the miracles of the White man’s civilization he was filled…
The Transcendental Titans
The one revolutionary force rightly feared by those who misrule us
TO THE uninitiated, to be an identitarian in this age seems to be an anachronistic and borderline masochistic endeavour. Every day presents more evidence that the notion of having a fixed historical identity is a dying one. From the…
Here’s What Happens When a US Senator Calls for Israel to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities
The love affair between the Left — and now even the establishment Left — and Israel is so over.
US SENATOR Patrick Leahy has piqued the temper of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and faces a rebuke from within his own party after demanding for an investigation into “gross violations…
America’s “Planetary Renouncement of Our White Race”
JEAN CAU (pictured) was a leading French writer and recipient of the Prix Goncourt. He was known as an apostle of Travail, Famille, Patrie — everything that was most dear to Marshall Pétain. For years Cau promoted the Ortega y Gasset view that the mob has taken over Western civilization.
Revisiting Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic (1970)
by Andrew Hamilton
I STOPPED reading contemporary literature — works by living novelists and short story writers — when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I found it aesthetically and intellectually unrewarding. The sole exception was the work of journalist-turned-novelist Tom Wolfe, the…
Black and Hispanic Democrats versus White, Liberal Democrats
by Sam Dickson
WITH ALL the attention on Donald Trump, there has been little discussion of the astonishing rift between Black and Hispanic Democrats on one hand and White liberal Democrats on the other. (ILLUSTRATION: Lots of White faces at a Bernie rally)
Hillary Clinton has shut Bernie Sanders…
Europe or Islam?
by V.D. Snyder
THE TIME is coming soon, my fellow Europeans! The long-delayed civil war is going to spread like a wildfire to the corners of the continent and possibly spark flames in the other Western countries across our darkening globe. The engineered “migrant” invasion is indeed a…
A New Word for Your Vocabulary List: Deracinated
by James Harting
SCHOLARS tell us that there are more words in English than in any other language. Estimates run between 600,000 and 1 million words. (Swahili, in contrast has 20,000 words.) Most of these words are technical terms, and no one is expected to know every word in the English language. (ILLUSTRATION: …
Can ‘Liberals’ Be Educated?
An important question is given a humorous treatment by one of the greatest scholars and wits America has ever produced.
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
Text of an address to the assembled Citizens’ Councils of America in Chattanooga on January 7, 1966. A recording of this speech is also available.