Posts Tagged
A Better Future
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WE SPOKE LAST WEEK about the hypocrisy of liberals, about the inherent hypocrisy of liberalism. Let’s look at one more example of this. In March 1974 a young Black criminal, Derek Farmer, held up a jewelry store in Dayton, Ohio, with the help of another Black. Shooting broke…
The Progress of Higher Learning
by Revilo P. Oliver
The Los Angeles Times, 30 January 1989, carried the news that the Washington State University has attained a new pinnacle of academic distinction: it has created the first Distinguished Professorship of Fast-Food Service to crown its curriculum in the Science of running restaurants.…
The Wages of “Diversity”… Fecal Bacteria in Corporate Coffee
Many people around the world enjoy iced coffee and other cool drinks from baristas employed by Starbucks, Caffe Nero, and Costa Coffee. However, they may want to think twice before ordering again. The BBC’s “Watchdog” program performs consumer affairs checks on popular businesses. Their latest…
Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior — Twilight of the Idols (Part 4 of 4)
Everyone familiar with the world of ideas has heard the term “Nietzschean” invoked as an allusion to the purported beliefs of the great German philosopher, but what does this term really mean and why does it matter? In part four of Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior, National Vanguard will consider…
Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior — Twilight of the Idols (Part 3 of 4)
Everyone familiar with the world of ideas has heard the term “Nietzschean” invoked as an allusion to the purported beliefs of the great German philosopher, but what does this term really mean and why does it matter? In part three of Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior, National Vanguard will explore…
The Wages of Liberalism
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THERE WAS A major article on South Africa in last week’s London Sunday Times. The article was written by the Times Johannesburg correspondent Andrew Malone, and it was titled “Blacks Turn Their Anger on Mandela.” The gist of the article was that as the South…
“Liberals” Like Censorship, Violence, and Setting People’s Hair on Fire
by David Sims
THERE ONCE was a time when a self-described liberal would tell a non-liberal, “I disagree with what you say, but I would fight to the death to protect your right to say it.” And then the liberals got some power, and they stopped saying it. They never really meant it, anyway.
Darwin in America
The history of evolutionary thought in the U.S. contains some surprises
by Robert Throckmorton
CYNTHIA EAGLE RUSSETT, a lecturer in American History at Yale, has written a book Darwin in America; the Intellectual Response, 1865-1912 (Freeman 1976), which demonstrates that far from making a solid,…
Youthfulness, Liberalism, and the Gaining of Wisdom
With today’s college students’ obsession with “safe spaces,” acts of “micro-aggression,” and an intolerance for opposing viewpoints, is America losing its grip on reality?
by David Sims
WHEN YOU LOOK at the younger generation, you see people who have yet to learn what your longer lifetime has enabled…
Zimbabwe: Liberal Consequences
by Dr. William L. Pierce
TODAY LET’S TALK about liberalism. Let’s look at what this disease of the soul is doing to one group of our people. Let’s look at the consequences of liberalism in a country in the southeastern part of the continent of Africa, a country which until 20 years…