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Blacks: The Cost Is Too Great
And it isn’t only the cost of housing, policing, coddling, imprisoning, feeding, and paying them forevermore: Now we are expected to essentially give our daughters and our entire nation to them. by David Sims NO BLACK person is British. “British” isn’t a political category; it…

The Cult of Ugly: Leftist Lies, Jewish Junk, and the Malign Martyrdom of George Floyd
Gender-fluid Damarra Atkins worships at a mural of George Floyd in George Floyd Square, Minneapolis by Tobias Langdon IT’S A perfect image for our insane and ugly age: an overweight gender-fluid Black woman in a Wu-Flu mask pressing her head in worship against a giant mural of George Floyd…

PC Leftists Corrupt and Distort Ancient Nordic Religion
The Icelander Ríkharður Magnússon discusses our Old Norse beliefs and the ways in which they have been distorted in the modern era. I WON’T DELVE deeply into the Old Norse beliefs in this article; rather the purpose here is to confront and clear up some of the distortions and false information…

The Empress’s New Clothes: Leftist Self-Worship and the Cult of Artemisia Gentileschi
by Tobias Langdon “SHE WAS A GENIUS,” says the Guardian. She was a “uniquely gifted artist who should be considered among the all-time greatest painters,” says the BBC. I say, no, she was not. The Italian Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–c.1656) was not a genius, was not uniquely gifted…

How the Left Abandoned the Environment: Immigration
America is More Than Full “CARRYING CAPACITY” refers to the number of people a region can sustainably support without degrading the environment. As most liberals will admit, Americans use way too many resources for their share of the earth’s land. In fact, the U.S. has the largest ecological footprint …

Elections, Lies, and Psychological Abuse
by David Sims THE DEMOCRATS cannot possibly win the 2020 presidential election fairly. They only have a chance if they cheat. How will they go about it? They will probably use Black Lives Matter (BLM), whose members will stand close about the voting places, claiming to be there to ensure “a free…

Basketball and Celestial Mechanics
by David Sims THE WORD “leftist” usually doesn’t describe people with common sense and critical thinking ability. It refers, instead, to people who say they prefer socialism as an economic system and who tend to believe scientifically disproved nonsense such as the theory of…

The Phony, Money-Driven “Revolution”
Yes, it’s a sham in that it is not what it’s claimed to be. But it is also very real in that real people are dying and will die, and if successful, Jews will be empowered to do what they have always wanted to do to us. Think Ukraine 2014. Think NKVD. If the anti-Whites get their way, everything we…

Put Them in a Place Where They Can Only Lie to Each Other
by David Sims LEFTISTS ARE deceivers, which is to say that they are people who know how to get you to believe in falsehood by a wide assortment of tricks, only one of which is outright brazen lying. One of those tricks is to speak the truth, but do it as if through a mouthful of garbage, so that it emerges with…

“Antifa” Organizer Exposed As Member of Elite Political Family
A LEADING organizer in a self-described “Antifa” cell, Iron Front USA, is a member of a prominent Maryland political family. The organization takes inspiration from the German Iron Front, a paramilitary group that embraced violence against conservatives, National Socialists,…