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Square Corners and Suicide Pacts
A graphic used in a MALDEF puff piece. This is literally how our enemies see America’s future, and they see it as desirable. I’m sure they don’t intentionally mean it to be horrifying, but… by Douglas Mercer IN GERMANY the National Socialists invested huge amounts of effort…

by Dr. William L. Pierce I SHOULD BEGIN today by telling you that I know from personal experience that there are some decent men who are lawyers. In fact, some of my best friends are lawyers. I also know that the legal profession as a whole has become so corrupt that it is a threat to our race and our civilization.…

Oregon State Bar: Pro-White Attorney Within His Rights
WHEN TADAS ARLAUSKAS, a Las Vegas attorney who is also licensed to practice in Oregon, sent out emails seeking to form a think tank supporting White interests, two censorious anti-White attorneys, David Coats and Jesse Calm, filed complaints calling for Arlauskas to be sanctioned or disbarred, effectively…

Black Lawyer: Free Anyone Charged with Murdering Whites
The only true solution is total racial separation: Our nations must be all-White once again. IN A NEW WRINKLE in the “Black lives matter” movement, an editor of a top-rated legal website is calling on Blacks to scare Whites by automatically acquitting African-Americans accused of murdering…

American Bar Association “Model Rules”: Lawyers May Not Oppose Multiracialism or Sex Perversion
AMERICA HAS a noble tradition of lawyers standing up for unpopular causes. John Adams, signer of the Declaration of Independence, defended British soldiers accused in the Boston Massacre. Lawyers have stood up throughout the history of the Republic and have not been shy about offering their…

William Pierce on Lawyers and the SPLC
by Dr. William L. Pierce INTRODUCTION and Afterword by William White Williams: The following transcription is from an American Dissident Voices broadcast originally published in the late 1990s. Little has changed today from Dr. Pierce’s description of professional barrator Morris Dees and his…

A Lesson in Democracy
Mass democracy creates an environment in which amoral psychopaths naturally rise to the top.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
SEYMOUR Hersh’s new book, The Price of Power, has everyone who hates Henry Kissinger’s guts — and that’s a lot of people — chortling gleefully over all of its revelations about the former…

The Law of Life
by George Avila AS A first-year law student I have been thinking recently about “the law.” It occurs to me that playwrights could make better use of a law-school education than most law students do. For law students, by and large, use their education to become well-paid parasites; but a true White man’s…

Michigan: State Bar Withdraws Story Award Because Pro-White Attorney Is Its Author
Story won on its merits; wealthy and powerful lawyers cower in fear when accused of “racism” THE STATE BAR of Michigan issued an apology and withdrew an honorable mention award for a short story it found to be “embedded with racist cues and symbolism.” (ILLUSTRATION: Kyle Bristow)