Posts Tagged
Larry Fairfax

Cyndi Steele Vows to Fight On
UPDATE: In case it is removed from the Web, this powerfully moving video has been archived here:
by Kevin Alfred Strom
AN EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATED Cyndi Steele vowed to fight on with an appeal to a…

Judge Excludes Experts; Jury Convicts Steele
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IN A TRAGIC MISCARRIAGE of justice, a federal jury — which was denied the right to hear two experts’ testimony that the alleged FBI recordings of Edgar J. Steele were faked, with over 300 suspicious edits inserted — has convicted the courageous free speech attorney…

Why is the FBI Protecting the Idaho Pipe Bomber?
The statement of Cyndi Steele to Judge Lynn B. Winmill about the sweetheart plea deal given to the Idaho Pipe Bomber.
I AM HERE TODAY to object to the “soft” plea bargain for Larry Fairfax.
I want the Court to know that I was denied my Crime Victim’s Rights – (18 USC §3771) because I was not consulted by the…