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Ukraine: Television Network Accused of ‘Pro-Russian Views’ Attacked by Paramilitaries, Set on Fire
A BUILDING HOUSING studios and offices of Ukrainian broadcaster Inter has been attacked by former military personnel who protested its alleged “pro-Russian” policy. The company said it was an attack on freedom of speech.
The office in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev was set on fire twice…

The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky
THIS NEW book is an English translation of G.G. Zamyslovsky’s book Ubiystvo Andryushi Yushchinskago, published in Russia in 1917. It is about the trial of Menachem Mendel Beilis (pictured), who was charged with the ritual murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, a 13-year-old boy, committed in Kiev in an occult…

East Ukraine Separatist Leader: Jews Masterminded Kiev Coup
UKRAINE’S JEWS are responsible for the Euromaidan revolution that ousted their country’s pro-Russian president last year, a senior rebel leader told an audience at a Russian university last week.
This is not the first time a rebel leader has said such a thing, with Alexander Zakharchenko…

Ukraine: Series of Mysterious Killings of Pro-Russians
A UKRAINIAN journalist known for his pro-Russian views was shot dead on Thursday in Kiev, a day after the killing of a political supporter of ousted Moscow-backed President Viktor Yanukovich, driving up tension between Moscow and Kiev.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the murders were political…