Posts Tagged
Kevin MacDonald

Le Rôle des Intellectuels Juifs dans la Réforme des Lois de l’Immigration aux États-Unis
A French translation of Kevin MacDonald’s essay on the Jewish role in the changing of US immigration laws. Since this article can no longer be published in France with any assurance that it will stay online or that, if it does, the publishers will not be persecuted, we will publish it here on NV. Thanks …

A Very Worthy Cause: Support Glen Allen’s Lawsuit against the SPLC
Mark Potok, defendant by Kevin MacDonald GLEN ALLEN, an attorney from Baltimore, is doing what I wish I had been able to do a long time ago: sue the SPLC. His case is much stronger and much more sympathy-inducing than mine would have been. Basically, the SPLC got Allen fired from his job with the city of Baltimore…

Justin Murphy’s “The Psychology of Prohibiting Outside Thinkers”
by Kevin Macdonald HERE IS Justin Murphy describing his background, research, and activism:
Why is there not more rebellion against status quo institutions? How have economic and political processes pacified our capacity for radical collective action? As a political scientist, I am interested…

Wall-to-Wall Jewish Support for Unlimited Middle East “Refugees” to the West
IN SEPTEMBER 2013, Dr. Kevin MacDonald published a rather provocative – yet entirely accurate – article on The Occidental Observer entitled, “The Organized Jewish Community: Wall-to-Wall Support for a Strike on Syria.” In the article, Dr. MacDonald noted:
One of the self-deceptions of Jewish life…

Why So Much Jewish Fear and Loathing of Donald Trump?
by Kevin MacDonald THERE HAS BEEN extraordinary, almost unhinged anxiety among some Jews about Donald Trump’s campaign for the GOP Presidential nomination. It has no solid basis, but unfortunately it does speak to their profound neurosis and alienation from the historic American nation. It’s…

Calling Hungary’s Viktor Orban a Racist Isn’t Working
WE ARE ALL aware of how everyone high and low in the West cowers before charges of “racism,” “xenophobia,” etc. It’s beautiful to see Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban (pictured) rejecting such talk out of hand and calling attention to the failure of multiculturalism. Whereas other European leaders, like…

Chemi Shalev: American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Immigration Policy
by Kevin MacDonald A HAARETZ columnist, Chemi Shalev (pictured), complains that Jewish organizations have not been up in arms about Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy. The reason Jewish organizations must act is because over 90 years ago the US passed an immigration restriction bill…

Donald Trump’s Breakthrough Statement on Immigration
Though we regard Trump as controlled opposition, albeit with a Kennedyesque tendency to be his own man on occasion, we feel obligated to present our readers with Dr. MacDonald’s essay on how he has veered way off script and opened up discourse to some degree — though we don’t endorse…

The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation
“The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation” Max Hartshorn, Artem Kaznatcheev and Thomas Shultz (2013) Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16 (3) 7
note by Kevin MacDonald
Recent agent-based computer simulations suggest that ethnocentrism,…

Philip Giraldi on Jewish Power: The War Inside the Beltway
by Kevin MacDonald PHILIP GIRALDI has long been an excellent observer of the Israel Lobby and its power over the American political establishment. It strikes me that his latest column, “The War Inside the Beltway,” breaks new ground for him with his comments on the wider context of Jewish power in America.…