Posts Tagged
Kevin Alfred Strom

What Is Wealth?
What is money, really? What is wealth? And what do ‘economic stimulus’ and war and foreign aid do to our wealth?
by Kevin Alfred Strom
based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 10, 2004
IN 1957, Julian Huxley wrote about the dangers the world might face in 2007. He told of a world…

The Dresden Holocaust and the Numbers Game
by Kevin Alfred Strom
RABBI DAVID Kaufman quoted my essay and radio broadcast on the Dresden Holocaust in his column recently. His bias stands out like Bertie Wooster’s white suit. Kaufman is an unabashed Zionist, and told the Des Moines Register recently that his concern over events in Iran…

Gandhi Article Generates Interest
by Kevin Alfred Strom
MY RECENT ARTICLE on Mahatma Gandhi has created some interest, and has been reprinted not only by the Historical Review Press in Britain, but also by John de Nugent and by Ironlight, a site whose motto is ‘illumination in the dark age.’ Ironlight also apparently commissioned…

Gandhi, Obama, and Race
by Kevin Alfred Strom
RECENTLY Google replaced their normal search page graphic with one depicting Mohandas K. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma (Sanskrit for “Great Soul”) Gandhi, in recognition of his birthday, which is now celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence. Gandhi’s…

Hal Turner: a Special Case
by Kevin Alfred Strom
MUCH HAS BEEN written about the effects of the Hal Turner conviction on what is left of free speech in America. I agree that it will have what lawyers and the cliché-ridden call a “chilling effect.” But so much of what has been written misses the most important fact in…

The Men of the Alamo
by Dr. William L. Pierce
from Attack! No. 55, 1977
Transcribed by Frederico Napolitano AS THE DUSK GATHERED in the early evening of March 5, 1836, William Travis mustered the 183 men under his command on the dusty plaza of the Alamo, a fortress-like former Spanish mission. As the assembled Texans listened…
from Attack! No. 55, 1977
Transcribed by Frederico Napolitano AS THE DUSK GATHERED in the early evening of March 5, 1836, William Travis mustered the 183 men under his command on the dusty plaza of the Alamo, a fortress-like former Spanish mission. As the assembled Texans listened…

The Beast as Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King
by Kevin Alfred Strom (the text of a speech given by Mr. Strom in 1994 on the nationwide radio program, American Dissident Voices)
WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to…

In the Cause of Peace and Freedom: An Open Letter to Ahmadinejad
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 25, 2006
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
DEAR PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: I have read with great interest your interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel and your open letter to President George W. Bush. I am an American of European descent who wishes to…