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Kevin Alfred Strom

AudioKevin Alfred Strom

An interview with Kevin Alfred Strom on Red Ice Radio KEVIN WAS BORN in 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska, son to third-generation Norwegian-American parents. He worked with William L. Pierce, Richard Cotten, and Revilo Oliver beginning in the early 1980s, producing hundreds of radio, audio and video programs,…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom (1995) WHAT IS IT like to live in Black Africa? Let’s find out. I got a small taste of the reality of life in Africa when I did research for an engineering firm that was about to bid on a contract to build a radio network in Liberia. I discovered that in Liberia the roads between…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom (1996) NEW YORK CITY is, for all practical purposes, lost to the United States. It has become a Third World city. Its political structure and institutions are ruled by an elite consisting of a certain Middle Eastern tribe and their White collaborators. Its streets are ruled by…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

The horrors of a multiracial America were laid bare in Katrina’s wake. There is only one way to prevent a recurrence of the horrors of New Orleans. by Kevin Alfred Strom HURRICANE KATRINA cut a wide swathe of destruction across the Gulf Coast of America this week. From Alabama to Louisiana, the…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

…then your children will pay the price. by Kevin Alfred Strom (2005) download the broadcast (mp3) IF YOU TOLERATE multiracialism, then your children will suffer and die. That is not hyperbole. It is a rational and well-substantiated extrapolation, based on the known facts and current trends.…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

A Litany of Ersatz Racist Incidents by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured) FOR THE INFORMATION contained in this article I am indebted to the many correspondents who have sent me news items through the mail and on the Internet, to Laird Wilcox’s published work The Hoaxer Project, to fellow broadcaster…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom MY WISH CAME TRUE during the Simpson trial. I hoped that the evidence of Simpson’s guilt would be so overwhelming that no reasonable person could doubt it. And I hoped that the jury would reject the evidence and set the murderer free. Not because I believe that murderers should…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom A CERTAIN Greenland Eskimo was taken on one of the American North Polar expeditions in the early part of the 20th century. Later, as a reward for faithful service, he was brought to New York City for a short visit. At all the miracles of the White man’s civilization he was filled…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured) THERE IS EVIL IN HIGH PLACES in America today. There is an evil which has taken our grief over the dead in Oklahoma City and is using it cynically to advance its political agenda. There is an evil which has gradually stripped us of many rights won for us by the blood of our fathers,…
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A NEW GROUP of patriot “migrant hunters” are patrolling Sweden’s southern coast by speedboat in a bid to tackle illegal immigration. The group also carry out military-style foot patrols on the streets. Nationell Framtid’s boats monitor the strait of Öresund, a three-mile stretch…
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