Posts Tagged
Kevin Alfred Strom

The Might of the West
by Revilo P. Oliver
Editor’s Note: Dr. Revilo P. Oliver was a distinguished Classics professor at the University of Illinois for 32 years, was a founder of both the John Birch Society and National Review magazine, and was a leading partisan of our race in the latter half of the 20th century. This…

The Jewish Double Standard
The controlled media judge Jews and Gentiles by different standards
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE MOST outrageous double standard in the world today is the different ways by which Jews and non-Jews are judged in the court of “public opinion,” which really means the court of the controlled…

Yiddishkeit Pathology
Jewish influence on American mass culture
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE FOLLOWING article crossed the news wires from Germany:
MUNICH — Bavaria’s highest court affirmed Wednesday that spreading lies about the Holocaust — even in private letters — violates German law.

Radical, Rational Racial-Nationalism: Needed Now More Than Ever
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 31, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IT WAS 25 YEARS ago today that this radio program, American Dissident Voices, was born, bringing our message of hope and racial awakening to the men and…

Jewish Supremacy
Those who want to dominate a multiracial society are racial supremacists; Those who want to live in a healthy, homogeneous society are racial separatists
by Kevin Alfred Strom
HAVE YOU EVER noticed the psychological phenomenon in which a person will often call attention to the real or imagined…

Austrian Lawmakers’ Eternal Shame: Forced Sale of Hitler’s Birth House
AUSTRIA’S LOWER HOUSE of parliament has approved the compulsory purchase of the building Hitler was born in, a step towards changing the site beyond recognition to reduce its appeal as a “pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis.”
The text approved late on Wednesday did not specify what…

East Wind, Rain: Treason at Pearl Harbor
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IF YOU WANT to understand why the American government supports Communists in Haiti and South Africa — if you want to understand why neither Democrats nor Republicans will protect our borders from alien invasion — and if you want to understand why we are rapidly losing…

Our Heritage, Our Freedom, and Our Future, Part 1
A 2006 interview with David Duke
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY WE WELCOME to our microphones a man who has made great sacrifices and achieved great things in his battle for self-determination and freedom for our people; a man who has achieved political victories under an openly pro-White banner; a man…

Jew Friedman: “We Need To Change the Internet So It’s Better for Jews”
INTRODUCTORY NOTE by Kevin Alfred Strom: This piece from the Jewish Daily Forward — though requiring some nose-holding as you plow through its smarmy, smug, self-righteousness — is interesting in that it reveals Jewish thinking on the subject of how to take the free Internet away from…

Rest in Peace, Joe Pryce
by Kevin Alfred Strom and National Vanguard staff
ONE OF THE National Alliance’s most distinguished supporters and former staffers, Joseph D. Pryce, has died after a long illness.
A writer, poet, musician, and translator, he is the author of the collection of mystical poems, Mansions of Irkalla,…