Posts Tagged
Julius Streicher

The Torture of Julius Streicher by U.S. Soldiers at Nuremberg
Julius Streicher (right), pictured in the children’s book Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath We have been down this road before, although most Americans don’t know it. “Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water…

How to Recognize a Jew
First published in Der Giftpilz, a German children’s book published by Julius Streicher. Immediately after World War 2, the Jews and their allies put Streicher on trial for writing and publishing things of which they did not approve. They executed him in 1946. THERE IS EXCITEMENT in the air in…

The Mongrel — and How the Jews Control Politicians
A review and commentary by David Sims of The Mongrel by Julius Streicher; first published in Der Sturmer I ADMIRE BOTH the skill and the courageous honesty with which Julius Streicher wrote. He was hanged after World War 2 for exercising his freedom of speech, during the war, in a way that the Jews did…