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Classic Audio: Igniting The Spark — An Interview With David Duke
by Kevin Alfred Strom (2004) Kevin Alfred Strom: TODAY WE WELCOME to the American Dissident Voices microphones Mr. David Duke (pictured), a man who has been raising the consciousness of European-Americans since the early 1970s. He was the first… Kevin Alfred Strom: TODAY WE WELCOME to the American Dissident Voices microphones Mr. David Duke (pictured), a man who has been raising the consciousness of European-Americans since the early 1970s. He was the first…

Stolen Revilo Oliver Materials Being Flagrantly Sold on Ebay
by E.V. Sutherland
THOUSANDS OF BOOKS and papers belonging to the estate of Professor Revilo P. Oliver were stolen from Kevin Alfred Strom by his ex-wife with the collusion and assistance of the FBI and the “Joint Terrorism Task Force” and are now being flagrantly sold on Ebay by a vendor…

Kevin Alfred Strom: More Evidence of Innocence
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
THERE IS CURRENTLY an obsessed Internet gossip, famous not only for a fairly literate pro-White science fiction book he wrote a decade ago (which I reviewed positively) but also for the sheer number of his false IDs and conversations with himself in online forums and…

Hal Turner: a Special Case
by Kevin Alfred Strom
MUCH HAS BEEN written about the effects of the Hal Turner conviction on what is left of free speech in America. I agree that it will have what lawyers and the cliché-ridden call a “chilling effect.” But so much of what has been written misses the most important fact in…

Edgar Steele Needs Your Help
by Cyndi G. Steele (pictured with her family)
EDGAR J. STEELE has been entrapped by a legal system that presumes his guilt in the face of false charges. Ed, my husband, has been in jail and solitary confinement for three months in Spokane, Washington because of false allegations that he masterminded…