Posts Tagged
Joseph McCarthy

How the Jews Invented McCarthyism
Senator McCarthy (left) heeds the instrument of his downfall, Roy Cohn, who was later to be an associate and mentor of Donald Trump. by Hadding Scott THERE ARE MAINSTREAM accounts of the political career of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy that make no bones about the fact that the overwhelming majority of…

The Torture of Julius Streicher by U.S. Soldiers at Nuremberg
Julius Streicher (right), pictured in the children’s book Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath We have been down this road before, although most Americans don’t know it. “Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water…

A Call for “Tolerance”
by Dr. William L. Pierce INTRODUCTION by Will Williams: Dr. Pierce wasn’t one to often make predictions — though some things he wrote about, such as in The Turner Diaries, came true years later: hate crime statutes, gun confiscation, and more. (ILLUSTRATION: William Pierce recording…

The Destruction of Joe McCarthy
There are profound lessons for us today in the saga of this misled hero. by Scott Speidel, Florida State University
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“Average Americans can do very little insofar as digging Communist espionage agents out of our government is concerned. They must depend upon those of us whom they send down here to…