Posts Tagged
John Birch Society

Jewish Spying on the John Birch Society
1963: Dr. Revilo P. Oliver speaks at a John Birch Society gathering. The John Birch Society (JBS), before it was completely neutered by Jewish infiltration and control, was seen early on by the Jewish power structure as a locus of resistance to the changes they were making to American society. As such,…

The Birch Burial
Robert Welch by Revilo P. Oliver ON 26 January 1985, memorial services for the late Robert Welch were held in Belmont, Massachusetts, with the conventional funerary prayers to a god in whom the atheist did not believe, and a singing of the sinister “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” on which…

Your Taskmasters
Best-selling novelist Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985; born Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell) was a prominent member of the John Birch Society in the 1960s, as was Dr. Oliver, and the two were acquainted. In 1931 she married her then-boss, Marcus Reback (an “immigrant from Russia”),…

The Professor and the Carnival Barker
Revilo P. Oliver by Margot Metroland PROFESSOR Revilo Pendleton Oliver died in 1994, full of years and honors, as they say; and also notoriety. Long a Classics professor at the University of Illinois in Urbana, he gained his PhD in 1938 with a translation and commentary on a 1500-year-old Sanskrit drama.…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: The John Birch Society
by Bradford L. Huie for The American Mercury THE JOHN BIRCH Society was the most prominent anti-Communist group in America. Despite its professed philo-Semitism and “anti-racism,” it was a part of the lives of such White radicals as Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Richard Berkeley Cotten…

My Political Education
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured) I WAS BORN on a Summer morning in 1956, in Anchorage, Territory of Alaska. My parents had moved to Alaska some five years earlier, shortly after they were married, since that was where my father, an Air Force Master Sergeant, was assigned. I was my parent’s first child.…

Enemies on the Right: The John Birch Society and Individualism
by Dr. William L. Pierce EVER SINCE the Oklahoma City bombing the nation’s oldest extant anti-Communist organization, the John Birch Society, has been explaining to anyone who would listen that the bombing probably was done by leftists just to embarrass genuine patriots (such as the Birchers)…

The Radicalizing of an American
Dr. William Pierce describes his spiritual and intellectual evolution from a non-political university professor into a White radical by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) UNTIL I WAS 30 years old, I had hardly given a thought to politics, to race, or to social questions. I had no clearly thought-out…

Revilo Oliver on the John Birch Society
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
WITH THE July-August issue of 1966, my connection with American Opinion came to an end. I think that is the point at which to conclude this series of selections. The cycle begun in 1954 was completed in 1966, and I had leisure to look back on twelve years of wasted effort…