Posts Tagged
Jews in America

A Lynching You’ve Never Heard Of
San Francisco Chronicle Extra: “Kidnappers Lynched!” Royce Brier’s eyewitness account of the lynchings in the left-hand column, “Mob Storms Jail, Hangs Slayers in San Jose Square,” won the Pulitzer Prize for Reporting. by Andrew Hamilton Although most Americans probably equate the term “lynch…

Jews in the 117th Congress (2021-2023)
Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) AS WITH Biden’s cabinet and the Supreme Court, Jews are greatly overrepresented in the 117th Congress, which will sit from 2021 through 2023. Although Jews claim that they make up only about two per cent. of the US population, nearly seven per cent. of the 117th Congress is…

Contributed in Countless Ways
MIGA WE WERE PROMISED the deportation of “millions” of Mestizo invaders, a restoration of national sanity and our own interests finally taking primacy over the schemes of alien opportunists. What we got was an open border, prison amnesty for “non-violent” brown animals…

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
by Revilo P. Oliver TRUTH SOMETIMES appears in the strangest places. It may even occur in statements made by Jews when they are in an especially exhilarated mood. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution on 4 March 1984 featured, in an article by one Randy Schultz, the exultation of our domestic enemies…

Jewish Crypsis in American Buddhism
by Andrew Joyce “From my conversations with many of these Buddhist leaders, they have spoken openly about how their commitments to social justice are shaped by their Jewish upbringings.” — Emily Sigalow, American JewBu: Jews, Buddhists, and Religious Change, 2019. AS MENTIONED in a 2017 review…

Henry Ford on the Jewish Estimate of Non-Jewish Human Nature
by Henry Ford
and the staff of the Dearborn Independent “Upon completing this program of our present and future actions, I will read to you the principles of these theories.”—Protocol 16.“In all that I have discussed with you hitherto, I have endeavored to indicate carefully the secrets of past and…
and the staff of the Dearborn Independent “Upon completing this program of our present and future actions, I will read to you the principles of these theories.”—Protocol 16.“In all that I have discussed with you hitherto, I have endeavored to indicate carefully the secrets of past and…

Henry Ford on Jewish History in the United States
Henry Ford by Henry Ford
and the staff of the Dearborn Independent THE STORY OF THE Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, with which event Spain’s prestige began its long decline, and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set…
and the staff of the Dearborn Independent THE STORY OF THE Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, with which event Spain’s prestige began its long decline, and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set…

Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein ‘Belonged to Intelligence’
TO APPRECIATE the significance of what I’m about to share, you really need to go back and read yesterday’s post: The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think. In that piece, I shared many lesser known, but extremely bizarre facts about Jeffrey Epstein and the people around him. I also…

The Jew Card
Darren Beattie by Tanstaafl OVER THE PAST few years the anti-White/pro-Jew regime has been increasingly frank in expressing its sympathy for Jews and antipathy for Whites. Mainstream political discourse turned a corner somewhere between Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” speech in 2016 and Facebook’s…

Black People in America — and the Misnamed “Civil Rights Movement”
by Stephen Contrado WHITE PEOPLE have been supremely generous to the Negroes. They have raised Blacks from savage tribal conditions to civilization, but history does not record the kindness. Instead, historians use the relative concepts of “slavery” and “racism” out of historic context and use…