Posts Tagged
Jewish Terrorism

Jewish Terrorism Against Britain During World War II
by Hadding Scott THIS REPORT from 1944 is interesting for several reasons: (1) it shows Jews as terrorists, which may be important in case anyone believes that only Muslims can be terrorists; (2) it shows Jews stabbing Britain in the back even while Britain is fighting a self-destructive war for the…

Oliver’s History of Terrorism
by Revilo P. Oliver HILLSDALE COLLEGE in Michigan is a small college that is making a laudable effort to remain independent of direct control by the Commissariat in Washington. It publishes each month a bulletin devoted to some topic of crucial importance and appropriately entitled Imprimis. The…

UK: Secret 1940s Files on Jewish Terror Opened to Public View
THE CALL TO British military security forces came early in the morning, shortly after 1 a.m., and could not be ignored. The informant’s message was alarming: Assassins planned to kill the commander of British forces in Palestine the following morning; evasive action was needed. (ILLUSTRATION: …

Special Treatment
by Dr. William L. Pierce ST. MARTINS PRESS has just published a fascinating new book. It’s by journalist Gordon Thomas and is titled Gideon’s Spies: the Secret History of the Mossad. Mossad is the name of Israel’s official espionage and assassination agency. The history of…

Neuron Bombs: The Holocaust and Other Atrocity Stories
More atrocious than the atrocity itself is the atrocity-mongering WORLD WAR I atrocity tales of Huns tossing Belgian babies on their bayonets and of Hunnish chemists transmuting Belgian corpses into soap had a rather short life. Even before the end of the war hardly anyone believed them. Other atrocity…

Three-Minute CNN Exchange: Anti-(White) Racism Degenerates into High Comedy
by Andrew Hamilton JEWS ARE sending each other smoke signals about a three-minute exchange broadcast on cable TV channel CNN a few days ago. It involved square-jawed Canadian American broadcast journalist Ashleigh Banfield (pictured), host of the daily news program Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield…

Jewish Psychologist and Jewish Attorney Agree: Jewish Terrorist Should Walk Free Without Trial
Joshua Ryne Goldberg (pictured) is “not competent” to stand trial, according to Dr. Feldman. But he was competent enough to successfully impersonate an ISIS terrorist and an anti-White Jewish feminist extremist (among many other roles) — and plot a bombing. EDITOR’S…